Defending your PETS????...

Hey Y'all: Bottom line to me is that if an attacking animal is intent on killing my pet or inflicting great bodily injury, that animal is also intent on doing the same to me. Whether there is a law on the books in your state concerning pets (and in many there are not) there are laws on the books that protect you and I from being killed and or protecting you and I from great bodily injury and it is on that basis that I will defend myself from such threats.
Hey Y'all: Bottom line to me is that if an attacking animal is intent on killing my pet or inflicting great bodily injury, that animal is also intent on doing the same to me. Whether there is a law on the books in your state concerning pets (and in many there are not) there are laws on the books that protect you and I from being killed and or protecting you and I from great bodily injury and it is on that basis that I will defend myself from such threats.

I like your thinking!!!
I'm not certain where my legal rights stand, but likely I am going to protect my pet as a family member and hope that if things go south I get as many females on the jury as possible.

Have you ever watched TV news after a catastrophy --- 5,000 may be dead but the women in the room will be fixsated on the screen in unisum saying ... "Look, the little puppy made it" with a big sigh of releif.

Remember what DOG is backward!
Hey Bangba and Y'all: Just remember 2 important things when you go CC. 1) Have the name and phone # of an attorney on your CC permit, who you have spoken to about the possibility of needing if a bad situation should occur, and 2) If you are going to respond to any questions your comments will include "I was scared to death that he (or that animal) was going to kill me or cause me serious injury---it happened so quickly that I had no chance to retreat and had to defend myself". In any event, if retreat is possible you do so while yelling loudly so anyone can hear "I do not want any confrontation with you and will defend myself if you persist in threatening me with imminent danger of death or great bodily injury"--the "anyones" who hear you are now witnesses. Of course, if you have really done something wrong--"you do the crime, you do the time"--just be sure you strap on your "responsibility hat" along with your firearm, whenever you are CC.
i would not shoot an attacking animal to defend my dog. I would shoot it to defend me. Being in fear for my safety should work in any state. It would be purely coincidental that my actions protected my dog. That's my story, officer, and i'm sticking to it :biggrin:

yep !
i almost had to shoot a 100lbs pitbull that was running around my apt complex un taged and no owner in sight. it was tryin to hop onto my patio and "i think" go after the cat and her kittens that live on my patio. but all it took was a baseball bat to the side of its ribs and a strobe light from my flashlight to the eyes to make it think otherwise about jumpin the fence. if i had to shoot it i would have, but thank god i didnt have to. all i can say is thank you baseball bat and streamlight led 200 lumen light to the eyes. i think the light did more to the dog than the bat did. lol
I feel the same way about my animals, five dogs and a cat. They are family, mess with them, you mess with me! I would not hesitate to use any amount of force necessary to stop an attack on ANY member of my family, two OR four legged! Some of my best friends have four legs.

Ditto! We only have one old female Beagle, and she would not be much in a fight, but she does do what I expect her to do - bark when someone is screwing around the house! I really love that old dog, and I am afraid that if ANYTHING were attacking her I would probably get so bent out of shape that I would shoot the hell out of it. When I walk her I usually carry pepper spray and my oversized SOG knife. Any friggin big dog comes up and tries to hurt her I would gut the SOB like a fish.
Hey hardcorps and eagle: I've said it, you've said it and many others have also. You are protecting yourself--period/end of story.

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