Deep Conceal/Back up Gun


New member
I have heard many folks speak about, and have often wondered myself about, carrying two CC guns.
I have checked the NC laws and have found neither, where it says NC residents can, nor where it says we can't.

Anyone have any idea on this thought?
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It seems to me if you can carry one then you can carry as many as you want, 1 gun can do the same job as several. I dont know NC laws, I know it doesnt matter here in Indiana. I know a guy that shoots at a range I frequent who carries 4, seems a little to much to me. I only carry a BUG about 10% of the time.
Not in New Mexico!

Laws vary from state to state, but New Mexico law specifically bans carrying of two concealed weapons at the same time. I have no idea why this restriction was imposed and most people just carry an extra magazine instead of a second weapon. I would think that carrying two guns at once would make it hard to keep your pants up!:fie:
Laws vary from state to state, but New Mexico law specifically bans carrying of two concealed weapons at the same time. I have no idea why this restriction was imposed and most people just carry an extra magazine instead of a second weapon. I would think that carrying two guns at once would make it hard to keep your pants up!:fie:

Not really if you have the BUG in your pocket or on your ankle
I tend to agree that most places where anything is NOT allowed specifically state it is not allowed. I do not believe Florida addresses this either but I know that many carry more than one gun (or weapon as our permit is a concealed WEAPONS license, not firearms license).

I remember my CCW class when the instructor walked in and explained that one can conceal a weapon so people do not know you are carrying and proceeded to offload about four or five handguns, a bunch of knives, a sword and some other asundry stuff.

My understanding is that he would have been legal as he walked in the door.
in Texas, we have conceal carry only, no open carry
a person with CHL may carry as many firearms as he/she likes as long as they are concealed:pleasantry:
In NC, knives do not fall under the "Concealed Handgun Permit," obviously. A certain size knife can be in your pocket, but over a certain size must be in a sheath or visibly open carried.

I remember my CC instructor saying that the "Permit" is for "one" handgun, but the NC law is not specific. However, we can open carry one, and conceal one(???)! Another strange NC loophole!!
Spoke to the guy that helped give our CCW class and there is no limit on how many wepons you can conceal carry. He told me it would be a good idea to carry more than one as you may have a malfunction and you would be ready. (He is a State Trooper also).
Spoke to the guy that helped give our CCW class and there is no limit on how many wepons you can conceal carry. He told me it would be a good idea to carry more than one as you may have a malfunction and you would be ready. (He is a State Trooper also).

Thanks for the info, Lonewolf2810.
You can carry two handguns. The law allows it and it is often a good idea based on need. In open carry situations you start to get close to violation the Common Law of Going Armed to the Terror of the Public.
I remember my CC instructor saying that the "Permit" is for "one" handgun, but the NC law is not specific.

I believe he is referring to the purchase permit. A permit to purchase from the sheriff is only good for one gun. For instance, you couldn't go get one permit to purchase then buy three guns. You would have to get three permits to purchase three guns.

The law really isn't clear. A good prosecutor would argue that the permits allows you to carry "a" concealed weapon, "a" being used in the singular, in this case.

Personally, I don't see the big deal. I would think if you are trusted enough to carry one, you should be trusted enough to carry as many as you want.
In Florida, there is no limit...if you have a CCW permit, you can carry more than one gun. I don't know why anyone would want to carry more than two, but...

I carry two most of the time, an XD-40 and a Kel-Tec P-11, both with an extra mag. I consider myself "well-armed" and I also carry a Gerber knife.
I believe he is referring to the purchase permit. A permit to purchase from the sheriff is only good for one gun. For instance, you couldn't go get one permit to purchase then buy three guns. You would have to get three permits to purchase three guns.

The law really isn't clear. A good prosecutor would argue that the permits allows you to carry "a" concealed weapon, "a" being used in the singular, in this case.

Personally, I don't see the big deal. I would think if you are trusted enough to carry one, you should be trusted enough to carry as many as you want.

No, the instructor (retired Sanford Police Captain) was not talking about the purchase permit. He was specifically talking about the CC permit. He even gave the example of the "a" clause that you have given.
No, the instructor (retired Sanford Police Captain) was not talking about the purchase permit. He was specifically talking about the CC permit. He even gave the example of the "a" clause that you have given.

Well, I dunno. I only carry one just because I don't personally see the need. But I wouldn't begrudge anyone who wanted to carry more than one. Like I said, if big brother trusts you enough to let you carry one, then you should be trusted enough to carry two, or three, or .....

Let's see... Glock on the right hip, Beretta in a shoulder holster, .32 on the ankle, .22 in a wallet holster, .22 in a belt-buckle pistol, .45 on left hip cross-draw style, derringer in a shoe with a removable heel, .22 "ink pen" single shot in the breast pocket...:biggrin:
In NC, knives do not fall under the "Concealed Handgun Permit," obviously. A certain size knife can be in your pocket, but over a certain size must be in a sheath or visibly open carried.

I remember my CC instructor saying that the "Permit" is for "one" handgun, but the NC law is not specific. However, we can open carry one, and conceal one(???)! Another strange NC loophole!!

The PPP (Permit to Purchase Pistol) is for ONE gun. There are no statutes on the CHP concerning how many one may carry.
I have 5.11 shirt that has two pockets in the arm pits I usually keep my p2000sk tucked away in there and my full size usp on my hip
I dont see anything wrong with it, I have carried my GL36 and my S&W air weight in my front pocket. Not that I do it all the time,but some places are known for trouble and sometimes these places are unavoidable.