death penalty


Federal Death Penalty Abolition Act of 2009’ (SB 650)

Senate bill introduced to abolish the death penalty. It appears it will abolish the penalty for all crimes in federal law and under the UCMJ.
What will be the replacement punishment? Holding hands with Nancy P.?
They should keep the death penalty and get rid of Life Without Parole. I mean seriously WTH. Send these people to live on a resort for the rest of their lives? If I wanted a pet I would buy a dog.

Yes I am a correctional officer.
Perhaps they could start by abolishing the Death Penalty for innocent, unborn babies! Frigging hypocrites!!
so for the sake of argument..say a man kidnaps tortures, rapes and murders a young girl. I think this man should die!! He sure as hell doesn't deserve 3 hots and a cot WITH cable T.V. a weight room.. all the literature he may want to read..and an option to further his education...FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE ON MY DIME!!

So a few innocent people might get convicted and sentenced to death...that's a small price to pay instead of the alternative......

My only problem with the death penalty is that they don't make it hurt enough!
The death penalty is necessary. However, the way it is performed today is really wrong. There are people who have been executed that were innocent, there are people who have been set free that should die. Why do we keep these people on death row for 20 years?
No one should be killed out of anger, hate or fear. They should be killed because they are so incompatible with society that they can never coexist with it, then they should be executed with a sense of failure and regret because we have failed this person to the point where there is no other choice but to permanently remove them from society.
For today, why should we wait 10 or 20 years to execute someone? Once someone is found guilty of and sentenced to death, I think it should be referred to a professional panel whose job is to find the TRUTH of what happened, not that farce that comes up during trial (I could write a book about this). All sources of information should be available, including polygraph or other lie detector tests, all of the evidence, including the stuff that was "supressed" at trial, etc. Once these people determine the TRUTH and make sure the person needs to be executed, kill him ASAP, in the most humane way possible.
Let him have the choice. I, personally, would much rather be shot than electocuted or lethal injection.
So a few innocent people might get convicted and sentenced to death...that's a small price to pay instead of the alternative......
Mr. Vegas than the argument becomes where is the line drawn. So what if we infringe on a multitude of constitutional rights of a few, so we can have ours. Than we are hypocrites ourselves and who are we to advocate FOR the 2nd amendment rights of ourselves when we are taking away the rights of others. Its a slippery slope that is Unconstitutional. In the 1980s the Supreme Court outlawed and banned the Death Penalty nationally because people who were innocent were being sentanced to death. The 8th amendment of the US Constitution bans the use of cruel and unusual punishment, which includes false imprisonment (and coincidently holding hands with Nancy Pelosi :sarcastic:). On ANOTHER note, statistically speaking it costs $750,000 for someone to sit be imprisoned for 25 years. ONE death penalty case can cost as much as 2 million tax paying dollars because of everything getting tied up in the appeals system. This is only over the course of maybe 7 to 10 years. So hey I think these guys are the scum of the earth, I think we should take all of them to Arizona, New Mexico, Death Valley California, and Nevada and put them in the same GI tents we use in Afghanistan and Iraq. Let them sweat and rot, because hey if its good enough for our troops, its good enough for our criminals. Ive learned this from studying this for 4 years as a CRJS major. Just my opinion, not for or against the death penalty, just some food for thought.:biggrin:
Sigma Nu Eta Chi 780
kill him ASAP, in the most humane way possible.

The most humane way possible?????? Did he kill in the most humane way possbile??? NOT!!! I am all for the death penalty, hell bring back hanging in the streets, I would attend, even buy a new hat for the occasion. :hang3:
The most humane way possible?????? Did he kill in the most humane way possbile??? NOT!!! I am all for the death penalty, hell bring back hanging in the streets, I would attend, even buy a new hat for the occasion. :hang3:

I believe the purpose of the death penalty is not punishment. (I believe criminal sentencing should include punishment (this should be unpleaseant enough the criminal never wants to go through it again), Rehabilitation (why did you do this in the first place and how do we make it so you not want to do it again), and monitored reintoduction into society.

The death penalty should be used when a person is incapable of being reintroduced into society, such as serial murders and child molesters.
It is not vengence, it is not punishment, it is necessary. It does not matter what they have done, we should not take pleasure in the death of another, no matter how justified.
As a human, we must love, not hate; have compassion, not fear. This, I believe is part of our highest purpose.
An eye for an eye.....

I do not take pleasure in someone having to die... I do support the death penalty - I am not sure about rehabilitation, as I have a close friend who was attacked, by someone who was reintroduced into society, the parole baoard, believed they had figured out why, and that he would never do it again.

There is just not enough manpower to monitor such - Most of our judical systems, can not monitor things of this nature successfully. Take the DHS system, there are so many children that fall through the cracks, and so many children that should be supervisored because of neglect charges or abuse compliants, and something terrible still happens to them...
An eye for an eye.....

I do not take pleasure in someone having to die... I do support the death penalty - I am not sure about rehabilitation, as I have a close friend who was attacked, by someone who was reintroduced into society, the parole baoard, believed they had figured out why, and that he would never do it again.

There is just not enough manpower to monitor such - Most of our judical systems, can not monitor things of this nature successfully. Take the DHS system, there are so many children that fall through the cracks, and so many children that should be supervisored because of neglect charges or abuse compliants, and something terrible still happens to them...

I couldn't agree more. The system needs a complete overhaul, from top to bottom, so our court systems seek TRUTH and JUSTICE (money, legal manipulations, politics need to be removed from the Justice system), our Punishment centers and rehabilitation centers (2 different things) are clear on their missions, our parole system acutally monitors its charges and they are removed from society again, if need be.
Our current system is a training ground for criminals. Even if they were not violent, hardened criminals when they went in, they will be when they come out, with enhanced education and training in being a criminal. What are we doing???
I agree with Wolfling68 - except for the: our parole system acutally monitors its charges and they are removed from society again, if need be.
Unfortunately, most of the times, it is too late... They are to report and submit to testing, etc, but if they are removed for any reason, it is usually because they violated a condition of the parole, which can be deadly in some cases.
Believe me, I am not young and naive, I used to be a trusting person, and believed the best in all people. But with the times the way they are, all of the mass shootings, I do not trust hardly anyone...
Myself, to know and do the right thing, God to lead me in the right direction and to help me make the right decisions and help me along the way - but most of all I trust my S&W in case the first two are not an option....
My favorite author put an incident in one of his books that involved a serviceman who was arrested for rape while AWOL. The punishment for AWOL, not in a time of war, was a Dishonorable discharge. The punishment for rape was execution. The explanation was this: If insanity was a factor, 2 things could happen execution or treatment, and if cured, what sane person could live with the guilt of their crime? If they weren't insane, one could never be sure temptation wouldn't overpower rehabilitation. Hence, the appropriate punishment.

The book? Starship Troopers by R.A. Heinlein
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Perhaps they could start by abolishing the Death Penalty for innocent, unborn babies! Frigging hypocrites!!

Right on, what crime have the unborn committed? The libs have cheapened life so much it's no wonder we have this social mess.
There are some people whose actions are so heinous that they need to be executed. As a correctional Sergeant at the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth in the 80’s I had an opportunity to witness some of these people first hand.

Charles Ng Link Removed

and Wyatt Matthews The crime of Wyatt Matthews | National Review | Find Articles at BNET

are just two such people. Ng was not in for murder but upon his release went on to become a serial killer. Matthews was on death row and was first in line for execution. While in prison he converted to Nation of Islam. I watched with disdain as President Reagan allowed the military death penalty laws to be revised in 1984 thereby commuting his sentence to Life. He was welcomed back into general population as a conquering hero. I saw these people every day. I witnessed killers, rapists and child molesters as they tried to sue for autopsy pictures, crime scene pictures of their victims and child pornography pictures claiming that they had a right to any and all evidence used against them. What they really wanted was just to re-live their crimes and have visual aids to assist in their sexual self-gratification. I saw how the really acted when they were not in court being touted by the lawyers as someone who was really a likeable person and just misunderstood. I first found my signature quote when I was working their and found it to be very appropriate. Death penalty cases are so long and costly because of abuse of the appeal system. Defense attorneys may have numerous reasons to appeal but they submit them one at a time trying to delay justice. The death penalty needs to stay. The appeal process needs to be streamilned.:hang3:
The death penalty is necessary. However, the way it is performed today is really wrong. There are people who have been executed that were innocent, there are people who have been set free that should die. Why do we keep these people on death row for 20 years?

With todays evidence techniques it's very hard to send an innocent man to death row. I've always been a proponent of the death sentence when hard evidence is available, DNA, finger prints, photos, etc. I don't believe someone should be given the death sentence solely on eyewitness testimony or circumstantial evidence.
so for the sake of argument..say a man kidnaps tortures, rapes and murders a young girl. I think this man should die!! He sure as hell doesn't deserve 3 hots and a cot WITH cable T.V. a weight room.. all the literature he may want to read..and an option to further his education...FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE ON MY DIME!!

So a few innocent people might get convicted and sentenced to death...that's a small price to pay instead of the alternative......

My only problem with the death penalty is that they don't make it hurt enough!

amen brother I mean wow some people need to be put to death for the pain they have done to others, we reep what we sow. So many people in this country get AWAY with murder, because they think they can. Let them die and be judged. I believe:fie:

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