What will be the replacement punishment? Holding hands with Nancy P.?
What will be the replacement punishment? Holding hands with Nancy P.?
Perhaps they could start by abolishing the Death Penalty for innocent, unborn babies! Frigging hypocrites!!
Mr. Vegas than the argument becomes where is the line drawn. So what if we infringe on a multitude of constitutional rights of a few, so we can have ours. Than we are hypocrites ourselves and who are we to advocate FOR the 2nd amendment rights of ourselves when we are taking away the rights of others. Its a slippery slope that is Unconstitutional. In the 1980s the Supreme Court outlawed and banned the Death Penalty nationally because people who were innocent were being sentanced to death. The 8th amendment of the US Constitution bans the use of cruel and unusual punishment, which includes false imprisonment (and coincidently holding hands with Nancy Pelosi :sarcasticSo a few innocent people might get convicted and sentenced to death...that's a small price to pay instead of the alternative......
kill him ASAP, in the most humane way possible.
The most humane way possible?????? Did he kill in the most humane way possbile??? NOT!!! I am all for the death penalty, hell bring back hanging in the streets, I would attend, even buy a new hat for the occasion. :hang3:
An eye for an eye.....
I do not take pleasure in someone having to die... I do support the death penalty - I am not sure about rehabilitation, as I have a close friend who was attacked, by someone who was reintroduced into society, the parole baoard, believed they had figured out why, and that he would never do it again.
There is just not enough manpower to monitor such - Most of our judical systems, can not monitor things of this nature successfully. Take the DHS system, there are so many children that fall through the cracks, and so many children that should be supervisored because of neglect charges or abuse compliants, and something terrible still happens to them...
Perhaps they could start by abolishing the Death Penalty for innocent, unborn babies! Frigging hypocrites!!
The death penalty is necessary. However, the way it is performed today is really wrong. There are people who have been executed that were innocent, there are people who have been set free that should die. Why do we keep these people on death row for 20 years?
so for the sake of argument..say a man kidnaps tortures, rapes and murders a young girl. I think this man should die!! He sure as hell doesn't deserve 3 hots and a cot WITH cable T.V. a weight room.. all the literature he may want to read..and an option to further his education...FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE ON MY DIME!!
So a few innocent people might get convicted and sentenced to death...that's a small price to pay instead of the alternative......
My only problem with the death penalty is that they don't make it hurt enough!