Dad needs an intervention!!!!!


New member
Ok guys I just got off the phone with my dad, KimberRB, and I think we may have to have an intervention! He's just out of control! He informed me that he just bought two, yes, two new toys!! A Springfield XD 45 and a Ruger .357 mag. I think we need to all come together to bring this issue to light. As his oldest son and in his time of need I feel it’s my responsibility to take possession of these said firearms until he make a full recovery. :biggrin:
If he just really feels the need to buy and has no place left to store any firearms I could keep a few to help out.:biggrin:
PB, for the intervention to be effective we'll need to remove ALL the tempting items. I have some room in my safe.
Help me I just can not stop I tryed but I just can not do on my own.
You all are just to funny. you can see the pictures I posted in handguns :sarcastic::fie:
NO really this is my own stimulus program. If we all would go out and get 2 guns a month we would jump start the economy and be able to protect are constitution at the same time, and its just fun now come on you know you what to do it. .
KimberRB, I know what you are going through. Don't worry its not your fault. You know how our children get. When people ask me what I'm doing nowadays I tell them nothing just spending my kids inheritance! :biggrin:
Be nice to your kids, THEY get to pick your nursing home. :biggrin:
I think you need to show him the error of his ways. What better way then by example? Go buy a couple or three for yourself and let him see how he is affecting his children. That ought to show him!
Well you know come to think about it. It seems to my that my son picked up TWO guns this month as well. So if you think about it maybe he is setting a back example for me. So maybe he needs the intervention. :sarcastic::laugh:
I think this is what we will do, when we get the next stimulus check (yeah right!) we'll go out and get a few more toys ourselves. Thanks for the idea.
Maybe he is just investing his money wisely. Guns are one of the few things that aren't losing their value right now. We should all learn from the wise.
Well you know come to think about it. It seems to my that my son picked up TWO guns this month as well. So if you think about it maybe he is setting a back example for me. So maybe he needs the intervention. :sarcastic::laugh:

Hmmm...... true but how do you pass up a Postal meter M1 carbine for $500?? That's just a good investment! As far as the XD 45 goes...... um........ ok no real reason just wanted it. lol
It does seem a few months ago I posted that you might be in need of a 12 step program of your own. :sarcastic:

Maybe we can come up with a program for both of you.
Well there went your Xmas presents. :cray: Think of it as an investment for you. You never know one day he may just give you all his collectibles and buy new ones.:pleasantry: I'm still waiting on my dad to give me his motorcycle and buy a new one, but I have to wait till its at least paid for. Till then I'll keep riding mine.
Well there went your Xmas presents. :cray: Think of it as an investment for you. You never know one day he may just give you all his collectibles and buy new ones.:pleasantry: I'm still waiting on my dad to give me his motorcycle and buy a new one, but I have to wait till its at least paid for. Till then I'll keep riding mine.

I was thinking about that but KimberRB and I seem to have the same taste in guns. It's kinda scary. I think there have actually been times I've called and been like guess what I got and heard the reply "Really me to!"

I think we have 3 of the same handguns and 2 of the same rifles. So I think my little bro is going to make out better when they get handed down! :cray:

Although 2 Kimber CDP's would be nice! lol. One on each hip.
Ok guys I just got off the phone with my dad, KimberRB, and I think we may have to have an intervention! He's just out of control! He informed me that he just bought two, yes, two new toys!! A Springfield XD 45 and a Ruger .357 mag. I think we need to all come together to bring this issue to light. As his oldest son and in his time of need I feel it’s my responsibility to take possession of these said firearms until he make a full recovery. :biggrin:

OK...I know I'm a noob here, but...

The way I see it, I think KimberPB may need the intervention. After all, who in their right mind would be complaining about dad buying guns? Whenever I pick up a new toy my son usually says something along the lines of, "When are you going to get senile so I can have your guns?"

I just remind him that the whole diaper-changing deal must come full circle and that I'm still of sound mind and can adjust my will as I see fit. He goes back into compassion mode again after that. Though he does still cringe a bit whenever I sell something.

He was here for a visit last weekend. He's almost 24 and still doesn't own a 1911 (I'm so ashamed to admit that...:cray:). So, I gave him his first Kimber Warrior. I'm hoping that'll buy me some time from the nursing home commitment!

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