CWP's In The News


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Good read from the State Newspaper.

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The article was much better than I thought would be when I heard that it was being published. However it does exaggerate some but overall not as bad as it could be. The video had a much better tone than the article.
Indeed! This isn't an isolated phenomena either. It is taking place all over the country! Anybody notice the demand for handguns and ammo??? The rising price of permits??? If the majority of the people who arm themselves are law abiding citizens that receive training, the SAFER we will all be! "An armed society is a polite society". If BG's start wondering if their next potential victim is armed, they may have second thoughts before committing their dastardly deed! There are going to be those who arm themselves and don't get training too... these are folks we have to worry about as well! The amount of negligent and accidental discharges are already on the rise. This is why training is so important for anyone who decides to carry a firearm! Anyway, I am glad that the law abiding citizenry of this country is taking up arms. It is indeed what the framers of the Constitution intended. Unfortunately, we may be having to use them to defend it again.
I thought it odd that the number of rifles and shotguns purchased is down by 15,000. The reason could be two-fold:

1) Economy is tough.
2) More firearms are being purchased from other owners to avoid having to report the purchase to the gov't.

I thought it odd that the number of rifles and shotguns purchased is down by 15,000. The reason could be two-fold:

1) Economy is tough.
2) More firearms are being purchased from other owners to avoid having to report the purchase to the gov't.


I think it is more the economy and those buying guns are opting for handguns instead of longguns. Handguns, especially the small ones are in short supply everywhere so it is just the market shifted some along with the economy.
That was a rather lengthy but pretty good article - I am surprised and impressed.

I don't think it a surprise that handguns are getting higher sales than rifle and shotguns.
During the last few recessions I remember with exception of the one in 2000, they all had high handgun sales.

Maybe the worse the economy and the higher the unemployment, the less people are willing to be victimized?
I'm sure that the economy, unemployment, and crime rate have something to do with it also. However, I'm not sure it's the only driving force behind the change to handguns.

With the urban population surpassing the rural population, there's more people in need of handguns than long guns. I think that is the key.

In addition to that, there's the fact that we need to hunt less now than 50 years ago. We're allowed to hunt less now. Thus, personal protection is the focus, not hunting. This also means more handgun purchases than rifles/shotguns.

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