Crrying in dissaster areas or during state of emergency question

Mountain man

New member
Does Alabama have any retrictions for concealed carry during marshall law situations or dissaster areas? My company has been hired for part of the cleanup in Tuscaloosa, and I will be sent in shortly. In N.C. during a state of emergency we can't carry off our home premises. Does Alabama have anything like that?
Can't think of a time I would more want to be carring. I wonder what was behind creation of that restiction?
I see people crying in disaster areas all the time I don't see what the problem would be(unless your self image just won't allow it)
Does Alabama have any retrictions for concealed carry during marshall law situations or dissaster areas? My company has been hired for part of the cleanup in Tuscaloosa, and I will be sent in shortly. In N.C. during a state of emergency we can't carry off our home premises. Does Alabama have anything like that?

I have not seen anything in Alabama laws that would preclude carrying in such a situation. During Hurricane Katrina, people in New Orleans were not allowed to carry and, according to one poster on here, weapons were confiscated by the police. Only problem I can see is many counties may impose different restrictions. You may have to play it by ear.
I think this is one of those nasty scenarios where a scared governor, liberal governor, or both, makes a decree and law enforcement follows it regardless of its legality. Somehow an emergency puts laws out the window. I think that's why some folks are scered stiff of FEMA, for just this reason. Carrying concealed is the best way to avoid a standoff with police. It is sad because law enforcement would forget about the real disaster and make you the problem. We saw this in New Orleans, and I wouldn't put it past police departments like Philadelphia to do the illegal same in an emergency.
It is sad because law enforcement would forget about the real disaster and make you the problem. We saw this in New Orleans, and I wouldn't put it past police departments like Philadelphia to do the illegal same in an emergency.

Let's not forget about the New Orleans cops that turned their weapons on innocent people killing them then trying to cover it up.
Like others have said, I would conceal well. If you & your company are sent to the Pratt City area of Birmingham, I definitely would be wearing mine. That was a rough area before the storms. Also local media has reported that they have arrested quite a few there for looting so far. But Tuscaloosa shouldn't be too bad. I have a friend that lives there & he hasn't mentioned any problems.
As has been said here before, if there ever was a reason to Open Carry, a disaster is on top of the list. I live in Alabama and carry 100% of the time. In warm weather I usually open carry. I have not had a problem with the police.
Don't recall seeing anything about carrying during Marshall law or emergency situations in AL ..... and I've tried to read everything I could get my hands or computer screen on.
I see people crying in disaster areas all the time I don't see what the problem would be(unless your self image just won't allow it)

There's one in every crowd. At least I am a better shooter than typist. For those who are typogaphically challenged, I meant "carrying" not crying
There's one in every crowd. At least I am a better shooter than typist. For those who are typogaphically challenged, I meant "carrying" not crying

There's one in every crowd.

And it's usually me :biggrin:

At least I am a better shooter than typist.

That's not saying much :biggrin:

I meant "carrying" not crying

We knew that :biggrin:

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