Crossbreed super tuck deluxe


New member
With all the talk about the Super Tuck holster from CrossBreed I ordered one on OCT 7. When I ordered it I selected it for a Glock 19 with CT Guard.

Someone told me that was different from Crimson Trace Laser Grips. I don't know what the difference is but I e-mailed Mark about it. He was fast in answering and told me found my order and corrected it.

Does anyone know what the CT Guard is for my information.

I just looked at my 2009 Cross Breed catalog and I can't find the answer you are looking for
I will be interested in what others come up with. I know you will fall in-love with the supertuck, I wear mine 18 hours a day and it just keeps getting more comfortable
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I got mine this week for my new M&P 45 and put it to work as soon as it was out of the package. It's as comfortable as my OWB DeSantis for my revolver.. The more (and longer) you have it on, the less you feel it. I'm sold... Great product. I emailed a question and within 20 minutes I had an answer... I was shocked... worth the money...
Well I received my super tuck and belt that I ordered. The belt was too big so I guess I will have to send it back for adjustment. It is a nice belt though.:cray:

I received the holster and have problems putting it on with the distance between the clips and my limited mobility. Once I got it on it was very comfortable and I wore it for a few hours and no back problems. Hopefully I will solve the problem when I carry all day.
I ordered last Thursday and it was waiting for me in the mailbox today! I got the Super Tuck Deluxe for use with my Glock 23. I'm sitting at my desk typing this and it is much more comfortable than any IWB holster that I've used so far.

It was a bit tricky getting it in my pants and on my belt and I may have to try shifting it for maximum comfort and concealability but so far so good.
are you guys wearing the supertuck at 5 oclock? I wore all day on Friday at work and think I wore it too far forward as the beltloops on the trousers I was wearing were limiting where I could wear the rig. What location have you found to be most comfortable. It felt as if the top of the holster was cutting into my ribcage.
If I am tucking my shirt in I wear it at about 4 or 4:30 if I am not tucking my shirt I wear it at about 3. All are very comfortable.
I wear at around 3:00 and may try a little farther back but not much. I tried carrying a little bit forward (appendix) and it wasn't comfortable when seated.
With the size of the Smith and Wesson M&P45 full frame I found the 3-3:30 position worked for me. I tried it a little further forward and it gets into my ribs and puts pressure on the crease at my lower groin when I sit with it so 3 to 3:30 was best. As soon as it was out of the package it was on me. Love it... Worth the money and it's not a gimmick...

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