Crimson Trace Problem


New member
Has anyone had any problems with their CT grip fouling.

I have CT grips on my Beretta Vertec which always seemed to function flawlessly. A few weeks ago at the range suddenly it appeared the laser had stopped functioning. After the range trip in checking it out I saw the laser was there but emitting a very wide unfocused beam. I called CT and they said it sounded like the lens was dirty and to clean it with a Q-tip.

It was a pain process to get it small enough to get into the hole but I got the lens clean, cleaner than I think it was initially and the laser focus was back. Next trip to the range, the lens fouled after about ten shots. I was able to clean it again and it is now back on focus, and I have not been back to the range yet.

I do not know if it is the ammo or what. The ranges here require that you use their ammo so that becomes a problem if it is dirty ammo.

Anyway, I cannot figure any ways to eliminate the problem but would hate to lose the laser in a real fire situation but this has lowered my confidence in the CT a bit.

Any thoughts ??
We have three with CT laser grips on them and have never had a problem. Have you used any other ammo in the gun? To me it sounds like the ammo or the ventilation at the range is blowing the gsr back at you.. Just a thought.

Be the sheep dog not the sheep!
Possible Reasons.

I have the old or 1st CT grips (LG-202) on my Beretta 96 FS/40-Cal now 10 years old, but still tracking dead center bull @ 25 meters. As I said in another post/thread, the laser emitters should be no problem but they do shift in their housing after maybe 1-2K rds. 1 or 2 drops will also skew 'em. A slight hex-wrench tweak normally brings the one I have back on target, BUT if the actual lased light bulb is a prob (and this one sounds FUBAR) and has changed from the 633nm wavelength, making it less of a dot, more of a fuzz, or diffused not pin-point dot, lighter than normal, or it cuts out then goes back on, or flickers, that's the bulb or a bad battery (or both) that isn't providing the 2.5-3.5VDc output common if U put a cheapo Li battery 'looks the same battery' into the holders. Best advice I can give U from my use of the CT laser sights is if it's a faulty bulb it will correct if replaced with it's exact same CT serial # clone bulb. Screws in & out fast. Send the old bad batch back and get a refund or discount replacement clones. Don't mention U may have put a generic battery in there or that will blow your warranty, if U in fact did, which of course U never did!!!!! I may be wrong and open to correction, but mine says: '3 years warranty for defects in materials and workmanship from date of purchase' not from the 1st time U shot with it on. So if it's not a good 2-3mm round bright red dot that drifted with too many fires, then it's most probably a bulb problem U will never correct with your set. If you do not use the right battery and switched the originals out for a non-CT recommended same voltage, amps, same CR2032 or (better) DL2032 Lithium; 4-hours life constant on/5 years of shelf life power source totally off. Calling in for USA Carry more modern build patron's help on this one as mine is a still working 10 y/o 'fossil' and CT has moved to smaller pistols/ other make compatible, which I know nothing about. Last trouble-shooting step is if U replace batteries, bulb and it's still messed-up then that's a wiring in the grip defect, meaning the whole grip set has to go back, the wires inside the grips that carry juice to the bulb R very small and may be toast/damaged or kinked, not a job for anyone but CT techs to replace. Hope that helps. Call 1-800-442-2406 (Portland, Oregon; M-F business hours time 9am-5pm) for a faster reply than leaving a message on their busy web-site:
Crimson Trace: Laser Gun Sights For Shooters
Please post a follow-up for other patrons who rely on that unique sighting system if U get a chance. 4 me any new pistol I buy in the future must have a CT laser on it or I'm not interested. That's how much I trust those sights. Thanks 4 sharing your prob & what the fix entailed.
Good Luck,

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Have you thought about going to another range that lets you use your own ammo and seeing if this keeps up? Just a thought.
Hi, I work for Crimson Trace.

It sounds like you've got some fouling on the lense. What kind of ammo are you using? Some are just far dirtier than others. Another fairly common cause of fouling is using too much lube on your gun. It doesn't take much to make a gun work smoothly, and excess lube just gets sprayed everywhere as a fine mist and often fouls up laser diodes. If cleaning your diode takes closer to 8-10 passes this may be the issue as opposed to just dirty ammo which comes off easier.

At any rate, if you called in then you know the cleaning proceedure. Q-tips + rubbing alcohol and about 5-10 passes to get it good and clean.

Don't worry about this happening on a carry gun. It takes the filth of many dirty rounds to cloud up the dot. It's not something that's going to happen suddenly at the wrong time. The diode position on the model for your Vertec is actually pretty ideal at avoiding fouling (based on many diode locations we tested), so there's not much that can be done about it other than to recommend using different ammo.

I know that can sometimes be tough since ranges tend to require you use theirs. If they only have one brand, ask them if they can special order another brand for you or if they'll make an exception and let you use another brand with their approval. My local range allows special order ammo if you call ahead. Usually they're looking to make a living on ammo sales, but sometimes it's about cleanliness of their facilities. If the ammo they provide is fouling up your gun that much, they ought to be open to you using cleaner ammo.

Best of luck, and don't hesitate to call again if you can't get this sorted out. I may not see updates to this thread in a timely manner, but if you call we'll take care of you.
St-Pfunk, I see that this was your first ever post on USA carry. Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy the site. We really could use more people like yourself to offer insight on important firearms accessories such as this.

BTW, what gave you the idea to use Soda Popinski as your avatar? Certainly unique, that's for sure!
Sorry, but I have the identical problem.

Somewhere into the second clip, my CT laser is useless.

But then again, I'm probably an over-lubricator. ("Hello, my name's Dwight and I'm an Overlubricator." "Hi, Dwight!")

I always wondered why Crimson Trace puts the laser on the ejector side of the gun and not the other side where there would be substantially less discharge mist.
The laser is not going to foul up just being on the gun. Since self defense situations are over in a few seconds and a few shots, your laser will not foul that soon and I think it will be fine if and when you need it. After range trips, just clean the laser along with the gun.
A friend turned me on to Crimson Trace grips, and I now have then on three of my pistols. He also gave me a tip -- cover the lens opening with electrical tape at the range after zeroing them. This has worked for me so far.
Somewhere into the second clip, my CT laser is useless.

But then again, I'm probably an over-lubricator. ("Hello, my name's Dwight and I'm an Overlubricator." "Hi, Dwight!")

I always wondered why Crimson Trace puts the laser on the ejector side of the gun and not the other side where there would be substantially less discharge mist.

If my emitter were on the left side I would be covering it with my left hand thumb, so I can see why they choose to put it on the right side. Just my 2 pennies pitched into the circle for ridicule or reprove...

Oh and by the way, ease up on the gun lube...:sarcastic:

Thanks for the info in this post; I loaned my FS-96 to a friend. He ran a few boxes of ammo through it, and returned it very clean and well lubed. Too much lube - he managed to get gun oil all over my CT lens - at 10 feet, it was painting about a 5" diameter, fuzzy, weak spot. I had tried to clean it before - but didn't realize how difficult it is to actually get it clean. I attacked it 7 to 10 times with rubbing alcohol, followed by a small piece of paper towel on the end of a Q-Tip stick (soft, cardboard - not plastic). The shape of the fuzzy ball changed each time - then one time - BAM, spot on focus was returned.
Thanks for the info in this post; I loaned my FS-96 to a friend. He ran a few boxes of ammo through it, and returned it very clean and well lubed. Too much lube - he managed to get gun oil all over my CT lens - at 10 feet, it was painting about a 5" diameter, fuzzy, weak spot. I had tried to clean it before - but didn't realize how difficult it is to actually get it clean. I attacked it 7 to 10 times with rubbing alcohol, followed by a small piece of paper towel on the end of a Q-Tip stick (soft, cardboard - not plastic). The shape of the fuzzy ball changed each time - then one time - BAM, spot on focus was returned.

Both of the units I bought came with 2 small tipped swabs in each box. I use those to clean the lens and have had no issues at all. I took my M&P40c to Front Sight for the 4 Day Defensive Handgun course and the spot was very slightly dimmed and distorted after 700 rounds... I used the little swab and all was good... Heavy amounts of light gun oil will cause that issue.

Perhaps calling Crimson Trace and asking for a few of those small swabs. Their customer service is quite good.

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