Crimson Trace LG-436 Laserguard on a G36


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Has anyone been using the LG-436 Laserguard on their G36? How has it worked for you? Have you had trouble finding holsters?

Yea, I'm in the middle of writing a review for it. I like it but it doesn't fit in any of my concealment holsters I currently use. I received this from them when I asked about it:

There are currently two fits for this pistol laser combination. IWB holster by Galco called the “Summer Comfort”, also a Galco ankle holster called “Ankle Glove”.

I do really like the laser but I've put the other grip version on so I can carry it in the holsters I have.

Yea, I'm in the middle of writing a review for it. I like it but it doesn't fit in any of my concealment holsters I currently use. I received this from them when I asked about it:

There are currently two fits for this pistol laser combination. IWB holster by Galco called the “Summer Comfort”, also a Galco ankle holster called “Ankle Glove”.

I do really like the laser but I've put the other grip version on so I can carry it in the holsters I have.

My research found that Fist Holsters say they will make their holsters to fit this combo, High Noon says they're working on it and Crossbreed says not at this time.
Yea, I'm in the middle of writing a review for it. I like it but it doesn't fit in any of my concealment holsters I currently use. I received this from them when I asked about it:

There are currently two fits for this pistol laser combination. IWB holster by Galco called the “Summer Comfort”, also a Galco ankle holster called “Ankle Glove”.

I do really like the laser but I've put the other grip version on so I can carry it in the holsters I have.

Other grip version?
I see. I like the idea of the trigger guard mount as it keeps the thinness of the G36 which is one of the reasons I bought it. Fist makes great holsters and if they live up to what they said I should be able to get the holsters I need from them. Already ordered one actually. Will get the LG-436 as soon as the tax return comes in. Found a couple of websites with good prices. I have a fanny pack that should fit and my Smart Carry should still be good too.

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