Couple of New toys!

Hey Guys,

I know I havent posted on here in a while (been really busy). I picked up a few new toys over the weekend. I picked up a bushmaster AR-15 and a Ruger Mark III. Here are the pics. Let me know what you guys think.


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Couple of new toys

Sweet! Love your taste in toys, especially if it bears the eagle of Sturm, Ruger.
How long did you have to wait for the AR? Also, if you don't mind me asking, how bad did it set you back? I ordered one (6.8mm) back at the beginning of November and it still hasn't come in!! They were out of stock when I placed the order and said there was a waiting list. They have been keeping me posted but still no ETA!!! I'm guessing they are having to build it since everything flew off the shelves the week of the election.
Good thing you were able to get the AR before Obama took office. Congratulations on your new purchases. When will you be taking them to the range?
Very nice Toyz! Ok, here is a ....question, what is the AR (what brand/ I'm learning)? I know the other is a RUGER (what cal. does it shoot?) right?
Cool Toyz........:cool:
How long did you have to wait for the AR? Also, if you don't mind me asking, how bad did it set you back? I ordered one (6.8mm) back at the beginning of November and it still hasn't come in!! They were out of stock when I placed the order and said there was a waiting list. They have been keeping me posted but still no ETA!!! I'm guessing they are having to build it since everything flew off the shelves the week of the election.

I was on a waiting list at a local store where I shop. I was on the list for about 6 days. I can't wait to take it to the range on Saturday. I am not sure what type (brand) of ammo to run through it, I don't want to go cheap cheap cheap but I do wanna be cost effective. The Ruger is a Mark III which shoots .22LR. The bushmaster is a .223/5.56. Glockster, where did you order it from that you are still waiting?
I was on a waiting list at a local store where I shop. I was on the list for about 6 days. I can't wait to take it to the range on Saturday. I am not sure what type (brand) of ammo to run through it, I don't want to go cheap cheap cheap but I do wanna be cost effective. The Ruger is a Mark III which shoots .22LR. The bushmaster is a .223/5.56. Glockster, where did you order it from that you are still waiting?

From these guys;

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I am going to call them today and inquire again....:confused:
I have a question; did you purposely choose your AR without the Bayonet lug, or was it something you did not notice? I also cannot see the end of the barrel and was wondering if your AR had a Bull Barrel, or if it had a muzzle brake/flash suppresor? When I bought my Bushmaster it was during the Assult weapons Ban, so mine did not have the flash hider or bayonet lug; but after the ban ended I was able to find a DPMS Chrome Lined Upper with the hider and lug. Just curious.
I have a question; did you purposely choose your AR without the Bayonet lug, or was it something you did not notice? I also cannot see the end of the barrel and was wondering if your AR had a Bull Barrel, or if it had a muzzle brake/flash suppresor? When I bought my Bushmaster it was during the Assult weapons Ban, so mine did not have the flash hider or bayonet lug; but after the ban ended I was able to find a DPMS Chrome Lined Upper with the hider and lug. Just curious.

I didn't even care when I got it. I wanted one so bad it didn't matter to me. I believe (don't quote me on this) that in Mass the AWB is still active. I believe Mitt Romney signed it back in 2004. I don't know what you mean by a bull barrel, the barrel is a 16in heavy barrel. Forgive my ignorance but can you please explain what a bull barrel is. Due to the AWB which I believe is still in effect here in PRMA, I think flash suppressors are not allowed. I really didn't care that it didn't have the bayonet lug, haha I just wanted the firearm....BADLY!
A "Bull Barrel" with the rifle means the same thing as with a pistol; it means a very heavy (thick?) barrel. It does not matter, as your rifle is great - I was just curious, thats all. I also thought that when President Bush let that law expire, that it pretty much opened the door for everyone "Nationwide" to have access to assult weapons. Well, obviously we all do have access to the rifles. Just the little things (add-ons) are abit diferent.
A "Bull Barrel" with the rifle means the same thing as with a pistol; it means a very heavy (thick?) barrel. It does not matter, as your rifle is great - I was just curious, thats all. I also thought that when President Bush let that law expire, that it pretty much opened the door for everyone "Nationwide" to have access to assult weapons. Well, obviously we all do have access to the rifles. Just the little things (add-ons) are abit diferent.

Thanks for explaining that. It does have a heavy barrel (thick) so yes it does have a Bull barrel. In PRMA we still have a AWB, state level ban. It sucks!

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