Cop-turned-pastor shoots church intruder


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A man who broke into a west side Detroit church didn’t get very far in his attempt to rob the place, police said........

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I'll have to watch this one closer...

I love it!

Every criminal should know there's a safe and beneficial way to meet Jesus, and then there's this joker's way. My kind of pastor!
+1. I like the line from one of Charles Bronson's Death wish movies when he asked the punk if he believed in Jesus. The guy answered in the affirmative. Bronson then says "Good, your going to meet him."
Booby traps and the law--- protecting your property

"Police said they've forwarded their investigation to prosecutors for possible charges."

Uh-huh, against WHO? The pastor or the crook? It doesn't say in the article. Serious business, shooting someone.

Look at that guy who got tired of someone breaking into his house while he was away and rigged a shotgun trap. The guy broke and was completely INSIDE the house when he got shot. The CROOK sued the owner for shooting him and won $30,000.00. Judge said "Can't make/use booby traps."

Very good reading, all three links are.

Lumberton 12-year-old shot by booby trap ::

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Katko v. Briney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Makes a person sick, they let people steal your things but you can't hurt them. They slowly steal everything you own until you are living under a bridge and the law thinks that is okay. In one of the links at the end it says:
"the law has always placed a higher value upon human safety than upon mere rights of property".

Yes, of course, those judges and lawyers have never had anything of theirs stolen. Us people who struggle for just about everything we own by working hard, it doesn't matter to the "law", DO NOT HURT A LOOTER/BURGLAR or the law will sue YOU. It is WRONG. That is part of what is wrong with this country. In one of the threads I was reading a person said:
"So if everybody starts murdering people whenever they feel like it, is the law going to start looking at that more lightly too? What the hell is wrong with the world?"

There is the problem. You see that:
So if everybody starts murdering people whenever they feel like it, ..."

No one IS murdering people whenever they feel like it, the crook is killing themself when THEY feel like it by entering ANY private property.

All this crap about you have to post your property with NO TRESPASSING signs. For WHAT? It IS against the law to enter private property without permission, no signs are needed.

Someone is driving along and sees a house with the front door open and no one around so they back up in the driveway and go in the house and take the TV, stereo, bunch of other stuff because there was not a NO TRESPASSING sign by the front door?

What IS sad is there ARE probably lawyers and judges AND juries who would say it WAS okay for the person to do that because there was not a NO TRESPASSING sign posted. THAT IS WRONG.

This country is getting really F**KED up. Too many cry babies and liberals I guess.

TWO words pretty well sum up what is wrong with America: "NO PUNISHMENT". People do whatever they want, pretty much so, because they KNOW, they will NOT be punished.
I KNOW that from personal experience. Got ripped off, property damaged... caught the kid. What did I get out of it? The damaged property. Kid got nothing. Judge just shined it on.

YES, America IS the best place to live that I know of... BUT, it COULD be better, a LOT better.

Rant off
It's about time that criminals found out that even in the house of the Lord, their "profession" is dangerous.
It didn't say anything about the robber having a weapon of any sort, it just says they struggled and he took a swing at him. If he shot an unarmed man I could deffinetly see charges being brought on him.

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