Contacting NRA


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Is there a trick to getting an actual human on the phone at NRA. I've been trying get list of counselors who are teaching the NRA instructor courses for about 2 months now. All attempts to contact them by phone end by me leaving messages. Just in case anyone out there is a counselor, I'd travel up to 4 hours, which would take me basically anywhere in TN and most of KY and AL.
Is there a trick to getting an actual human on the phone at NRA. I've been trying get list of counselors who are teaching the NRA instructor courses for about 2 months now. All attempts to contact them by phone end by me leaving messages. Just in case anyone out there is a counselor, I'd travel up to 4 hours, which would take me basically anywhere in TN and most of KY and AL.

Hey rrc,

Try (703)267-1328 during normal business hours eastern time. That's the direct line to Andy Landers, one of the NRA Training Coordinators in VA. He should be able to help you out.

I'm assuming you've already checked with local shops and ranges to inquire who currently trains, and who certified them and so on? At any rate - I should have better fortune with Andy.

Hope this helps.
I did try asking around with no luck. The closest I could get was "I think there is a guy up around (pick town). Don't know if he's still training" followed by "Call the NRA." None of the local shops train instructors. Maybe they don't want the competition, although I think there's plenty to go around. I'll try Andy. Thanks for the number.
Hang in there

I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I experienced much of the same back when I was seeking certification to earn my state-approved instructor creds. After coming off active duty mobilization and having done nothing but weapons instruction for two solid years, I was getting annoyed that trying to find these NRA training counselors was a lot like hunting unicorns.

But I finally found a guy and he hooked me up - so hang in there. Not all of the counselors are mythical creatures living in caves that only wander down out of the mountains two or three times a year. Some of them are even civilized and live near people! :to_pick_ones_nose:

<Forrest Gump impression> "That's all I've got to say about that."

Good luck man, and fight the good fight. Once you're up and running, you'll know how NOT to be!
If that contact doesn't get you anywhere, you can try Pete Straub at (850) 864-2761 or e-mail: [email protected]. He's a NRA Master Training Counselor located in NW Florida.

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