Console Vault For 2009 Ford F250


Staff member
The guys from Console Vault sent me a custom fit auto vault for a 2009 Ford F250. Do I have an F250? No, I wish. But my friend does. They don't make them for my car so he got lucky. In exchange I got to drive his truck for the past two weeks so I could do a review on it. I've attached some pictures of us installing it.

Before installing it we thought you'd lose all of the console space and have to put everything into the vault. Even with the vault installed you have a good 2-3 inches of space to put things on top of the closed vault like keys, sunglasses, my garage door clicker, etc. So that was nice.

So most of the time I kept it unlocked. The first time I used it was when I went to the post office. Instead of leaving my Glock 26 under the seat I put it in the vault and locked it. When I got back into the truck I unlocked the vault by entering the combination, grabbed my pistol and was good to go.

I definitely like having a vault in the car to lock not only my firearm up if I leave it in the car but I can also lock up other things of value. I've already used it to put my new Canon Rebel XSi dSLR camera (which took these pictures) in it when I didn't want to drag it with me. My girlfriend has also used it to stuff her purse in it when she didn't want to take it with her.

They make them for many different makes and models. Just visit to see if they make one that fits your car.

Here are the pictures of us installing it which was very easy. I just cleared out everything in the console and stuck it in. There's a bracket you put on top once it is in. Took us less than 5 minutes. And we had to do it twice because the first pictures didn't come camera. :biggrin:

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Console Vault, Inc
5000 West Oakey Blvd, Suite E2
Las Vegas, Nevada 89146

Phone: 702-878-1360
Fax: 702-878-4003
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Have one in my 08 silverado. Works great. Also if you have a Costco account you can order online from them and save about $30 dollars.

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