Congresswoman plans to refuse completion of the Census


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Congresswoman Bachman of Minnesota has said that she and her family will not complete the detailed Census form in 2010, citing concerns over the participation in the election fraud group ACORN. She can be fined up to $5000.00 for refusal to participate.

EXCLUSIVE: Minn. lawmaker vows not to complete Census - Washington Times

Gee, I wonder would happen if several million other Americans refused to divulge their personal information to ACORN? Wouldn't that be interesting :-)
My mother and I have never divulged all of their invasive bullshit information. Never will. Number of people in the household. Period. That's a census. That's all that's required for the purpose for which the census is instituted, calculating proportional representation in Congress. Done.

You want the GPS coordinates of my front door, stand there and stare at my front door. You want my address, the numbers are on the front of the house. The street name is on the corner, the ZIP codes... well, the federal government makes them up, they can look them up just the same. You need genders, surveil us and use your laser range finders to measure the length of our skirts. You need names and ages... screw you.
Their vehicle has to be marked when taking the Census. I'm in a rural area and when I see them drive up I'm not going to answer the door. I refuse to give any information to an ACORN member!
I thought the census stuff was mailed to us, and if we didn't answer that one then another would be mailed out, and if we still didn't answer that THEN they would stop at the house?

I'm half debating on shredding the questionnaires just so I can tell them face to face to F off after telling them how many people live here :biggrin: I read the draft questions here: Link Removed

Yup, total number of people that live in my house will be noted as per the Constitution, but the other stuff can be used as toilet paper :laugh:
Just looked over the census questions, and all they're gonna get out of me is how many people live here and that's it. Screw the affirmative action stuff, and any personal information.

If I see an ACORN car on my street, my dogs might get some exercise. And I have some neighbors who would just love to feed some ACORNs to their pit bulls.
Here in AZ, I'll tell them to press "1" for English, "2" for Spanish, and "3" for whichever Indian tribe dialect they choose before I tell them to go pack sand.

With the illegal "super highway" just over the neighboring mountain range, I think the gov't has more pressing issues than pretending to count law-abiding types.
Look at the rest of the story she is only going to fill out the information that is required by law, basically name, ages, how many, real basic stuff.....
My mother and I have never divulged all of their invasive bullshit information. Never will. Number of people in the household. Period. That's a census. That's all that's required for the purpose for which the census is instituted, calculating proportional representation in Congress. Done.

You want the GPS coordinates of my front door, stand there and stare at my front door. You want my address, the numbers are on the front of the house. The street name is on the corner, the ZIP codes... well, the federal government makes them up, they can look them up just the same. You need genders, surveil us and use your laser range finders to measure the length of our skirts. You need names and ages... screw you.

+1. they can just screw off.