Congressmen Highlight Mexican Commando Incursions Into U.S.


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How about we bring our troops home from around the world including Iraq and put them on our border to protect our citizens. Or is using our military for what it was originally intended for instead of policing the world out of the question?

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Congressmen Highlight Mexican Commando Incursions Into U.S.
Urge action on U.S.-trained Mexican security personnel carrying out cartel killings

Steve Watson
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Two representatives have urged Congress to take action to address the worsening situation on the southern border which has been described by reporters and activist groups as "an all out war."

Rep. Ted Poe, R-Humble, has urged the Congress to take action regarding the frequent incursions of military style Mexican commandos into the U.S. that has seen over 6000 deaths in the past two and a half years according to conservative estimates.

The Houston-area Republican told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that members of Mexico's elite counter-narcotics teams, trained at Fort Benning, Ga., have defected and are now in the pay of drug cartels.

Poe highlighted the fact that the guerrilla-style commandos are regularly crossing the border into the U.S. and have been involved in violence and killings as far north as Dallas.

The San Francisco Chronicle has picked up the story:

He said the Department of Homeland Security had documented "over 250 incursions by suspected military forces" into the United States over the past decade.

"I was surprised to hear that the United States has trained Mexican forces and some of those have deserted and become the reason for these attacks," Poe said.

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Congressman Poe criticized the lack of oversight on current programs to assist law enforcement in Mexico and central America:

"It seems as though the United States has a history in some cases of giving support (to Mexico) and that support turns around and is used against the very people we're trying to protect, in this case, us," Poe said. "We have no assurance that the equipment we're sending to Mexico won't be turned over to the drug cartels and used against us."

Another Congressman, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, called border drug violence "an imminent security threat right on our doorstep" and compared the urgency of situation to that of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In March, award winning National Security and Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times, Sara A. Carter, detailed the national media blackout on the Mexican incursions and the border war:

"There's a lot of people who don't realize how serious the situation is on the southern border." Ms. Carter told the Alex Jones show. "Even to the extent when sometimes some of our own government officials choose to ignore it, even though they know it's going on."

"It is a huge story. It is bigger than most of us even know, and people are afraid of covering the story. We hear reports but we don't see in depth detail." Carter said.

Aside from Carter herself it has been left entirely to the alternative media to expose the reality of the situation on the border.

We have covered multiple previous incidents of this nature here at Prisonplanet and Infowars
I was thinking about posting that one, HK4U.

You and I both know what is going on with the border situation. They will never fix the problem, it's not in thier best interest.
As long as big money and liberals control congress nothing will be done about this. When will the American people wake up.
You are right Cooter. It is sad but most Americans due not have a clue as to what is happening. They will not learn about the real truth from the major news media that is for sure.
wake up

As long as big money and liberals control congress nothing will be done about this. When will the American people wake up.

I don't know. I am not sure if a lot of them will ever wake up. If they don't wake up soon it will be to late.
I was thinking about posting that one, HK4U.

You and I both know what is going on with the border situation. They will never fix the problem, it's not in thier best interest.

they don't want to fix the border.. they want to get rid of it.
It's about dang time!

Let's get down to brass tacks.

For years the Mexican Govt has gone so far as to give flyers/maps to illegals showing favorable crossing routes.:25:

Since 1999, there have been numerous encroachments of sovereign US soil by Mexican troops with firefights erupting on more than one occasion.:25:

A great many Border Patrol agents have been gunned down during the performance of their duties.:sad:

Many Texans who hold land titles near the border have come across some really dangerous (machine gun armed Mexican troops/police) and have barely escaped with their lives. (Some were not so lucky):93:

It is time to politely ask the Mexican Govt to come to the table and deal with the corruption at hand (Drugs, Gangs, Corrupt Cops and the corruption/prostitution of their military to be enforcement thugs for the cartels.)

If they cannot do that, My suggestion is not a fence, but a mine field. Make it so painful and terrifying to cross illegally that no one wants to.:omg:
festus wrote:
A great many Border Patrol agents have been gunned down during the performance of their duties.

Or arrested by our own government for shooting back. Don't hold your breath waiting for the federal government to do anything as that does not fit their agenda.
I was under the impression that to invade another country and fire on its citizens and law enforcement was an act of war.Now,I figure it would take about twenty minutes to win a war against Mexico.Hit the presidential palace with a tomahawk,shell a few military bases from offshore.AND mine the entire southern border of the U.S.A.Then demand reparations from THEM.I think it would work.