Concealment Clothing


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This is not meant to be an advertisement, so if I'm violating any rules, please edit the urls out of this.

I'm still waiting for the kramer iwb holster for my G30, so checking into other option. I bought some underwear from "Masters of Concealment" website - pricey, but I bought a v-neck, and the compression shorts. Here is my review:

1) Concealment Compression V-neck - $69.95. Sizing chart says I needed a 2xl for a 50 chest, I ordered 1XL by mistake, so it was really tight, but still works. They say it is for deep concealment, not intended to be for quick draw. I wore under a tucked in button down long sleeve shirt - worked great!

2) Concealment compression shorts. My waist is 48, says that a XL is for 36-39. I should have ordered the large (33-35). I cannot wear these without a belt, because they are a tad too big, the G30 weighs them down. I am sure one size smaller than normal is the correct size for me, so ordered another pair. They still work great, wearing it now.

They are both on the pricey side, but darn it, they are very good quality, and i would buy another set - oh, I already did!
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If you say you would buy another set, then You must be happy with your purchase/s. You can never tell if you like something unless you try it (where have I heard that before?). That's what I like about forums, you get all kinds of pro's and con's from people who have experience with things already.
Thnx. for the review!
*is the Compression V Neck the undershirt type that has the concealment kind of under your arm?*
yes, there is one under each armpit. Here are pictures of the 2.
As I said, handled my heavy G30 nicely, and carried an extra magazine under the other armpit.

I ended up taking the left side holster off the shorts, and will re-sew it somewhere else.

I got the black v-neck, white shorts.

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