concealed carry


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I highly recommend that every concealed carrier consider joining the u.s.c.c.a. for up to date info on concealed carry and to protect yourself with insurance in case you ever have to use deadly force.
I highly recommend that every concealed carrier consider joining the u.s.c.c.a. for up to date info on concealed carry and to protect yourself with insurance in case you ever have to use deadly force.

What do you think this site is, chopped liver?
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Like any insurance, you may pay forever and not need it, but "what if?"
That same question is why we carry.

The USCCA has a lot of benefits that come with the insurance that's especially good for noobs, like training videos/advice, gear & firearms reviews.

I've been a member for quite a while and IMO the insurance cost is worth it considering the other stuff i get, like a print magazine, legal advice type videos, etc.

Hell, I'd pay the premium just for those things, again, especially if I were new to CC.

I love online gun stuff, but this company will bond me out & cover legal expenses, have their own legal team to help, advise on everything to do w/defensive shooting from when it's justified to fire, when to stop firing, what to tell 911 and responding officers, but more importantly what not to say or do.

We all know how some jurisdictions treat licensed carriers after an incident, not to mention over zealous prosecuting atttorneys and media try to demonize us for being responsibly armed.

BYW, a LOT of new licensees aren't fully aware of what "responsibly armed" even means. That little basic course required by law is just that - basic, usually "NRA Basic Pistol." So unless someone is active or retired LE/Military, they may not have a clue how dynamic a self-defense situation is, what to do to stay alive during, or how to stay out of prison (we're not talking county jail if convicted of whatever charge for taking a life), after using deadly force.
I mean take a 21 y/o person new to firearms, have them take the required class only, put a pistol on their person and tell me they now have all the training needed to survive an armed assault? If they get lucky then best case they stop one attacker without firing more rounds than needed to stop the threat, but what they say or do after, even if they acted legally, can land their ass in the pocket with their family going bankrupt on legal fees.

And does that minimum class teach situational awareness or tactical response? No sir it doesn't. Carrying comes with a responsibility to continuously train/prepare for the "what if's" tactically, legally, and financially.....

Everyone will do as they please, but carrying insurance and acquiring training is a very good idea everyone who carries really ought to consider.

Hell, I carry auto insurance with uninsured motorist coverage, so y would I not choose to carry self-defense shooting insurance if I can afford it? If someone can afford a box of ammo per month, odds are they can afford the cost for USCCA insurance, so y not?

[Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with the USCCA. Make your own decisions. I'm only responsible for mine. This post does not constitute legal or financial advice].
I'm no one special and speak only from personal experience, but definitely personally recommend the USCCA for all CC licensees.

Take care ya all!

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