For example Lake Whitney, COE lake,
Whitney State Park, on COE property = your license is not valid. Ray Roberts Lake State Park etc same situation.
We are taught that a Concealed Handgun Licensee CAN carry
(After February 22, 2010 in [some?] National Parks) and already in LCRA parks, ALL City Parks, ALL County Parks and ....
SOME State parks, and SOME some TPWD parks
but SOME State Parks/lakes/some TPWD parks [maybe some National Parks too?] are leased from, and on
Corps of Engineers property.
Corps of Engineers prohibits concealed handgun licensees from carrying protection from rattlesnakes, packs of wild feral hogs or other predators (like in the movie Deliverance) even if you have training and background checks and a license.
So, we needed to know which State Parks and some TPWD parks NOT to go to, like Whitney for example, which is a Corps of Engineers property.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Frequently Asked Questions
May I have a firearm in the park? A concealed handgun permit is not valid on Federal property. The possession of a firearm and/or ammunition is prohibited.
Here's Corps of Engineers property list, so we know not to go there
Link Removed
So, even though State Parks are "OK", NOT the ones which are COE properties.
We'll camp, fish, go boating, picnic, and spend our dollars elsewhere, thank you. (Even though our taxes support those "public property" places that are infringing on our rights.)
Check before you go ... just because Georgetown Lake is near Georgetown, and TPWD Game Wardens may be out there, it doesn't mean it's City, County or State property, and your license isn't valid there on COE property. Likewise with Waco, Belton ..... etc etc etc.
I'm NOT a lawyer