Concealed Carry and Vehicle


New member
I was reading about updated state laws, and i saw in one state that now if you have a CPL, you can lock your pistol in your vehicle legally. It sort of implied that there may be some states that I could be traveling in, that accepts my CPL, but I better not lock my pistol in my car.

In Michigan, I can lock my pistol in the trunk, and ammo in the glove box (2 different locations) even if I don't have a CPL, but is this implying that some states don't allow this?

Looks like I may need to do more research before going out of state.
Carrying a handgun in a vehicle

I answered a similar question about an hour ago in Firearms Training & Concealed Carry on one of my fourms.

Yes, it is a challenge when traveling a long way to know the allowed carrying requirements for a handgun. The best advice is to research your route before your trip. It is best to have a concealed carry permit in your home state and many people get non-resident permits for other states, especially those with good reciprocity.

Unfortunately your profile does not indicate which state you are from so I could not personalize the answer. The laws vary depending on whether you have a handgun or a rifle.

Here is a Google search for Link Removed

Info on state handgun laws can be found at and clicking on your state.

Herre is info from that site on Link Removed

For [the 26] states not listed [Link Removed] you must have a Permit/License to carry a loaded firearm anywhere in the vehicle. If you do not have a permit to legally carry in the state you are in and it is not listed below the firearm must be unloaded and not accessible to anyone in the vehicle. Do be aware that every state has different laws even when you have a permit/license issued or honored by any state. It is your responsibility to know and obey the law.

The 24 states (are shown below) listed have differing requirements such as:

  • the handgun must be clearly visible
  • the handgun must be concealed
  • the handgun must be securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use
  • the handgun must be put away should you stop in the state
  • the officer must be informed

Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, south Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virgina, West Virgina, Vermont, Wyoming


Link Removed
79-page PDF

Link Removed
Loneranger’s Weblog
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It's always a good idea to check state laws about carrying in a vehicle before a trip. In South Carolina you don't have to worry too much. Anyone legal to own a firearm can carry a loaded ready to go firearm in the console or glove compartment.
In Florida, you can carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle as long as the firearm isn't "easily accessible." That means that the gun has to be in a box with a latch, or a zipped-up gun rug, or enclosed in a glove box or console with a latch to keep it closed. If you have the loaded gun on or under the seat, or tucked between the seats, and you don't have a carry permit, you're in trouble if you get stopped.
I was reading about updated state laws, and i saw in one state that now if you have a CPL, you can lock your pistol in your vehicle legally. It sort of implied that there may be some states that I could be traveling in, that accepts my CPL, but I better not lock my pistol in my car.

In Michigan, I can lock my pistol in the trunk, and ammo in the glove box (2 different locations) even if I don't have a CPL, but is this implying that some states don't allow this?

Looks like I may need to do more research before going out of state.

"Locking your firearm in your vehicle" seems to imply leaving a parked vehicle. If this is what you mean, you may be talking about the Florida law that passed this past summer. Many employers do not allow firearms on their property. This means one must commute with no firearm (including errands after work). Florida's new law allows CWL holders to lock their carry weapon in their vehicle without direct reprisal from the employer should the firearm be found during random searches. This law is in response to a case in Oklahoma where employees were fired for having long guns locked in their trucks on the first day of deer season.
It would definitely be a good idea to research the laws of the states through which you'll be traveling before you carry your gun in the vehicle with you. However, it would also be a good idea to try to get a permit from your home state as well as a nonresident one (ie., Florida or Utah) that is widely honored so that you'll be covered in most places that you travel.
In New Mexico your vehicle is considered an extension of your home, so it is legal to have your handgun anywhere in the car with you, even concealed on your person. It does not apply however if you exit the vehicle, you can not have it concealed unless you have a valid CHL.

My CPL is in Michigan, so it looks like I have no problem if I am in possession in most states.

My concern was leaving my pistol in my vehicle, whether loaded or not. The December 2008 American Rifleman indicated in the article "Big Wins in the States in 2oo8" indicated that Georgia now allows an individual who qualifies for a carry permit to lock a firearm inside a private vehicle on a publicly accessible parking lot.

While this is good news if I'm passing thru Georgia, it made me wonder about other states. I already learned how to check other state laws, and if my permit is acceptable in the state (thanks to this website), but I was surprised with this nuance.

I guess the default when traveling is to keep armed when traveling <g>.
My CPL is in Michigan, so it looks like I have no problem if I am in possession in most states.

My concern was leaving my pistol in my vehicle, whether loaded or not. The December 2008 American Rifleman indicated in the article "Big Wins in the States in 2oo8" indicated that Georgia now allows an individual who qualifies for a carry permit to lock a firearm inside a private vehicle on a publicly accessible parking lot.

While this is good news if I'm passing thru Georgia, it made me wonder about other states. I already learned how to check other state laws, and if my permit is acceptable in the state (thanks to this website), but I was surprised with this nuance.

I guess the default when traveling is to keep armed when traveling <g>.

With a MI permit, you should be ok. Michigan's permit is one of the most widely honored in America (30+, more than either FL or UT).
Don't guess. Get a copy of THE FIREARMS LAWS OF THE FIFTY STATES. Google it for a source, of which there are many. Essential reference for those who travel with guns.