Conceal Carry Permits in New England?


New member
I have my Texas License To Carry, (Back when it still was a CHL), and the farthest I can go with it is Pennsylvanian and Deleware. My mother is moving to Massachusetts, I have family and friends in Vermont (Which takes my license), New Hampshire and New York. The best airport to fly in to is usually Providence, but Albany and Hartford are strong possibles. And as I am sure you know, it is so easy to hop state lines in a day. I know I will visit, and I don't want to leave my gun at home. I know licenses will take time. Massachusetts takes non-residents, but their license is not accepted anywhere. New York appears to be the same as well.

Does anyone have advice on how to obtain the licenses I need to in order to carry in the North East? I want to do it with as little licenses as possible, but I will pick up one for each state if I have to.


P.S. I recognize I will have to register a firearm for at least Massachusetts. Texas does not register firearms. I plan on picking up a travel pistol to be registered.
NH and ME are constitutional carry. No permission required, concealed or open.

I did not know that. Finding this stuff isn't easy. Thank you. That knocked those two off my list.

You have to realize that some states accept NO other states carry permit, including NY, MD, NJ, RI, CT, MA

That is what I was afraid of. I do have to get a license for each individual states. I really want a full reciprocity law passed. Or a federal license that can be used in all 50 states.

Thank you. This helps a lot. Now to go deal with each state's non-resident licensing requirements.
That is what I was afraid of. I do have to get a license for each individual states. I really want a full reciprocity law passed. Or a federal license that can be used in all 50 states.

Thank you. This helps a lot. Now to go deal with each state's non-resident licensing requirements.

We do not want the federal government involved in carry permits, where an appointed bureaucrat sitting at a desk in DC could have way too much control over when, where, and who can carry.

The topic was heavily panned on here a year or so ago, championed by a member that lived in a tiny state surrounded by states that didn't honor his permit. For him it might have been beneficial, but clearly a threat to a vast majority of people that carry and don't live in a anti-gun state.

Some of those states are going to be a real challenge. We often see postings where a resident in NY took over a year to get a permit. Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York are "may" issue to non-residents, which is probably code for 'you gotta know someone'.
Some of those states are going to be a real challenge. We often see postings where a resident in NY took over a year to get a permit. Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York are "may" issue to non-residents, which is probably code for 'you gotta know someone'.

Thanks for the time heads up and the complications. I knew it would take a good deal of time, and figured that I would have to allow for more because I am a non-resident. I will have the Massachusetts connection. I am sure I can pin it down for the others. This will be an interesting adventure.
Thanks for the time heads up and the complications. I knew it would take a good deal of time, and figured that I would have to allow for more because I am a non-resident. I will have the Massachusetts connection. I am sure I can pin it down for the others. This will be an interesting adventure.
The way to remember the New England states is that the upper three bordering Canada (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine) are all Constitutional Carry. Vermont is the only state in the union where this has been the law as long as the state has existed. Unless liberals moving there to escape the hell holes they have created elsewhere ruin it, it is solidly pro gun and even Bernie Sanders keeps his mouth shut in his home state and elsewhere about firearms.

The lower three states have a multitude of anti gun laws and Massachusetts is an anti gunner state but not as bad as RI and CT. CC permits are actually fairly straightforward to get in MA and it is an Open Carry state but probably not a right that is exercised much.

Stay away from NJ and the city of New York itself as their gun laws are outrageously anti 2A. You will win Powerball before you get a permit in these two areas. NJ has less than 2000 issued CC permits for residents and if you have a single hollow point round on your person or in your vehicle, then you will go to jail.

Safe travels and enjoy the trip. Fall is a very nice time to be up in that part of the country.

The Place to Be
I lived in Mass all my life, until we moved 2 years ago, and I had to write a letter to the chief as to why I wanted to carry a gun. Good luck with Mass, it may take a while to get it and then it becomes a yearly thing at $100 a year for renewal plus annual interviews. Most people throw in the towel and stay out of there. I don't think Ct is much better. I couldn't cross state lines without breaking the law, except for Vermont, no license required, but I think there is movement a foot there to change that. People of Vermont, beware of your government.
Like niceshootintex said, great time to go up there, the fall is nice.
It will take some work. I only need to worry about upstate New York, Albany area. But worth the trouble to carry when I visit my mom.
It will take some work. I only need to worry about upstate New York, Albany area. But worth the trouble to carry when I visit my mom.

In NY you must have a permit to even own a handgun, even if it never leaves your home, known as an "on premises permit". Plus there is a list of approved guns, magazine limits.

If you wish to legally carry, you should tell your mom you might be able to visit in a couple of years.... maybe.
In NY you must have a permit to even own a handgun, even if it never leaves your home, known as an "on premises permit". Plus there is a list of approved guns, magazine limits.

If you wish to legally carry, you should tell your mom you might be able to visit in a couple of years.... maybe.

Time wise, I am driving the Uhaul up there. Permit wise, I plan to get a carry gun just for travel that can be registered and have the permits.The plan for that is a Ruger LCRx in 357. A standard revolver like that fits all their magazine limits and such.
Time wise, I am driving the Uhaul up there. Permit wise, I plan to get a carry gun just for travel that can be registered and have the permits.The plan for that is a Ruger LCRx in 357. A standard revolver like that fits all their magazine limits and such.

A loaded gun in a vehicle without a NY permit will land you in jail. Even NY residents with a permit to own a gun must transport it unloaded to places like a gun range. It is a totally different world up there as far as guns.