Compassionate Left or the Socialist Left


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Is it the Compassionate Left or the Socialist Left that is destroying America?

It’s not compassionate to enact laws such as the War on Poverty that Rewards families to live separately, entices single Mothers to have addition illegitimate children to increase their monthly income, and entices Fathers to no longer be the head of the household.

It’s not compassion that allows those that break our laws and enters our Country Illegally to take the jobs that at one time were offered to America’s Youth.

It’s not compassion that allows those that enter our Country Illegally to receive driver’s license, work permits and receive benefits paid for by working Americans.

It’s not compassionate to kill more babies every day than all the Americans killed on 911 or kill more babies every single year then were killed on all the battlefields in all of the wars in US history combined.

It’s not compassion that forces Towns and Cities to remove Flags and Crosses from public view, because of the complaint of a few Non-Americans and Non-Christians. There are 32,000 Arab Muslims from Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq living in Dearborn Michigan, where are the protestors?

It’s not compassion that created the 501-c and the recent IRS threat to monitor Churches to keep them silent.

It’s not compassion that dropped the requirement that Americans must have an ID to vote”; even Foreign Countries require finger prints.

It’s not compassionate to disarm the Public so they can become prey for the Hoodlums and the Tyrannical Government that uses Americans as pieces in a chess game for power.

It’s not compassion that calls water boarding to save American lives torture but thinks it’s perfectly fine to use a drone to blow an American and his children to pieces.

It’s not compassion that destroyed a school system that once taught Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, started the day with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord’s Prayer, and had control by beating a few butts. But now teach Save the Planet, Multi-Culturalism, Social Justice, and soon will complete the Socialist Agenda with Common Core.

It isn’t compassion that over regulates our energy companies and makes electric unaffordable for our seniors on a fixed income and many other struggling Americans.

It isn’t Compassion that took the best Healthcare System in the world and turned it into another Socialist Welfare program paid for by the few of us left after they rewarded their friends in Government and the Unions with exemption, and told insurance companies taxpayers make up the difference.

The Socialist Party of America once announced 70 Congressional democrats that belong to their caucus.

One person I’m sure isn’t on that list is Congressman Bill Johnson who was recently condemned by the “Peoples World Website” a publication that evolved out of the “Daily Worker” and “The Daily Peoples World” Daily Communist Newspapers.

When it comes to Americanism vs Communism You had better think really hard before you pull that lever.
Left is left. Harmful to capitalism which feeds and employs America. Harmful to exceptionalism which makes us leaders. In the "left" world all are equal. The crack dealer becomes the equal of the corporate VP.
Call it the Left, whether it be "compassionate or Socialist" It's still Communism. Names change from time to time, like liberal, progressive, left, socialist, Marxist, etc., but it is still Communism.
Left is left. Harmful to capitalism which feeds and employs America. Harmful to exceptionalism which makes us leaders. In the "left" world all are equal. The crack dealer becomes the equal of the corporate VP.

The left world wants their followers to believe all are equal. Truth is the leading elite are above all. The rest are all dependent on the leading elite. Capitalism allows people to be more independent and in charge of their lives. This is why the left hates capitalism. For them to stay in power they must have the population dependent on them. Low information voters will keep the left in power. Santa Clause will continue to win.