I have a concealed pistol permit in C.T. and cant find anything in regulations about not carrying in a commercial vehicle. i was told by a friend its not permited. but i cant find any rule can any one help
I have a concealed pistol permit in C.T. and cant find anything in regulations about not carrying in a commercial vehicle. i was told by a friend its not permited. but i cant find any rule can any one help
It's legal however a large percentage of companies will not allow you to carry at your place of business or in their vehicle, so be absolutely sure and get something in writing stating you're not breaking a company policy just to cover your butt if its not your truck.
You said commercial vehicle so I don't know if you're a tractor trailer driver or what not but also be careful crossing state lines carrying your weapon. Usually it has to be unloaded and locked in a compartment that you cannot access while driving such as the sleeper cab of a TT.