Coming Home....


New member
So, I have about decided to move back to the states after nearly three years living in Europe.

My shortlist of possible new homes includes Boise, Spokane and Portland (OR). Any comments on the gun climate in those three areas would be welcomed as contributions to my decision. My gun cabinet has been locked for two years and nine months so I am curious about the CCW mentalities, LEO attitudes, ranges and best shops in those areas. Hopefully, the three location limit keeps the thread at a manageable level.

Particularly, I am planning on visiting Boise within the next month to "look around" and am curious if there are any good indoor ranges worth a visit? Gotta get some range time in while I am back for a few weeks, as well as plan on introducing the new woman in my life to handguns. She took the weapons field-stripping course when she was in high school and is willing to consider whether she will take on maintenance responsibilities when we get to the US.

I'm sure someone here can answer your question, but let me just welcome you back!


So, I have about decided to move back to the states after nearly three years living in Europe.

My shortlist of possible new homes includes Boise, Spokane and Portland (OR). Any comments on the gun climate in those three areas would be welcomed as contributions to my decision. My gun cabinet has been locked for two years and nine months so I am curious about the CCW mentalities, LEO attitudes, ranges and best shops in those areas. Hopefully, the three location limit keeps the thread at a manageable level.

Particularly, I am planning on visiting Boise within the next month to "look around" and am curious if there are any good indoor ranges worth a visit? Gotta get some range time in while I am back for a few weeks, as well as plan on introducing the new woman in my life to handguns. She took the weapons field-stripping course when she was in high school and is willing to consider whether she will take on maintenance responsibilities when we get to the US.

Welcome back to the good ole' US of A, brother!

All three of the areas you mention are urban, and as a general rule of thumb, (with some exceptions), urban areas are generally more hostile to gun rights, particularly open carry, than rural areas are. Portland doesn't allow open carry. Boise does, and it is located in one of America's most gun friendly states, so you'll do fine there, even if you never get a permit. I don't know about Spokane, though.
BOISE is without a doubt the most gun friendly as is all of Idaho. Boise has several outdoor ranges ind Impact Guns operates an indoor facility that allows full auto rifle fire, gun sales and rentals. They're a little pricey, but comparatively speaking they are probably quite reasonable. Boise still maintains a small town atmosphere:smile:
Thanks for the welcoming words as well as the info from astute!

I will check into Impact. Are they the same group that operated the big internet sales site?

Boise is on top of my list so far. I had lived in NW and Western Washington and encountered a generally friendly atmosphere but Seattle has seemed to be getting squirrelly the last few years, I had a very positive LEO encounter in Idaho a few years ago which went a long way towards making a good impression.

More info would be appreciated from any familiar with the areas and any private messages concerning less firearms-related issues (neighborhoods, employment and such) would be useful.


Check out Link Removedlink for a map of which states allow cc or not. Washington, Oregon and Idaho are all "shall issue" states, though I don't know about any local areas' restrictions. And, welcome home. Were you stationed overseas, or working in some other capacity? If you were stationed then we have a Link Removed on this site also that you might like to check out.
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Thanks gd! I went overseas in search of adventure, new experiences and romance (in the classical sense - wipe that smirk off yer face!). Ended up in Eastern Europe where I saw some new sites, learned some new perspectives on different cultural approaches, learned to appreciate my government even more and, inevitably it seemed, found romance (in the non-classical, much more intriguing sense). Now I need to locate my extended family into the most likely area for stability and growth. Oh, and get back up to speed with my hobby - shooting.

While I have an honorable dicharge noted on my DD-214, I came out on a medical 30-odd years ago.
Glad to here you are soon if not already back with us. Hope there are not a lot of changes, for the worse, with the new President coming in waiting for you. By the way I also think Idaho might be a good choice.
Impact Guns in Boise is connected to the Internet site. The internet site is operated out of Ogdon Ut. and they don't exchange products. Idaho honors all Concealed carry permits, Washington honors a few and Oregon honors none though they do have provisions for non-resident permits. Idaho bans carry in the usual Federal buildings and schools, but allows carry almost everywhere else including bars as long as you don't drink while carrying, a bad idea anyway.
I think of the 3 states, I would choose Idaho. Why Boise? I'd consider the northern part - Coeur d' Alene and Sandpoint are supposed to be nice. Only a few miles from Spokane. Beautiful country.
Coming Home

Allow me to extend my hearty welcome home. I live in Lacey, which is right next door to the state capital of Washington, Olympia. WAshington is a shall issue state, so you go to your local police dept or sheriff's dept in in unincorporated area, give fingerprints (Lacey uses electronic, they pull one set and can print as many as they need,) pay your $55.25 and thirty days later, you have your Concealed Pistol License. Washingtonn is also an open carry state, and from the contacts I have had up here, people carrying is no big deal. Washington has a pre-emtion law, which means that cities or counties cannot make their own laws on guns. The mayor of Seattle is about to get his nether parts in a wringer because he is going ahead with a city ordinanace banning weapons in city parks. This flies in the face of state law. I am not very familiar with Spokane, but the area Ilive in is great.
I would move to Boise in a heartbeat if I could a) Find a decent paying job and sell my house for a reasonable profit (unlikely), or b) win the Powerball (even more unlikely). Idaho is one of the most gun friendly states and very conservative, politically. A little too religious for my liking, but still good.

I wouldn't mind Spokane, but Washington is getting way too liberal for my liking. I think that the Spokane area tends to lean more to the right, but it doesn't offset the western part of the state's looney left.

Even thought I was born in Oregon, I only spent a little over a year in the Portland area later in life. Oregon is pretty liberal too.
Going at end of January (to Idaho) for an initial house-hunting exploration and mini-vacation.

Moving date target is mid-summer depending on health of parents, wife and housing discoveries.

Leaving for states for a 5 week visit in less than 36 hours and can't wait!

Cracker Barrel breakfast here I come!
Going at end of January (to Idaho) for an initial house-hunting exploration and mini-vacation.

Moving date target is mid-summer depending on health of parents, wife and housing discoveries.

Leaving for states for a 5 week visit in less than 36 hours and can't wait!

Cracker Barrel breakfast here I come!

Will you be able to be on USA Carry while you're here? If you can, do so!