Colt SAA...Overpriced?


New member
I have allways wanted a Colt SAA .45, scince I was a little kid.
When I see these guns at gun shows or pawn shops, etc. They are always asking about $1500 for them.
Such as abble ammo shows them for about $1200 and then you look at places like gun broker and they are asking about $1500-$1600. How much do dealers pay for these guns?

Can these guns be found cheaper?
I must know!
I have allways wanted a Colt SAA .45, scince I was a little kid.
When I see these guns at gun shows or pawn shops, etc. They are always asking about $1500 for them.
Such as abble ammo shows them for about $1200 and then you look at places like gun broker and they are asking about $1500-$1600. How much do dealers pay for these guns?

Can these guns be found cheaper?
I must know!

All guns are overpriced. Just look at Glock, Kahr, Springfield armory in particular because they are ugly, bulky, plastic and are not made of expensive parts.And a cheap one goes for 6-700 dollars and they're not tack drivers. If you want one of those you look for the words Custom Shop and add another 4-500 dollars. And don't be folled by the price. I've bought many guns in the 17-2000 dollar range that had to be sent back to the factory for minor thingslike cracked frames, bent firing pins. bad timing, crappy finish. and some of those from S&W. Ed Brown. The closest thing to perfection I've found in the last 15 years are anything made by Les Baer and Freedom Arms. Probably the worst company for quality control is Colt. If it fits in the box they'll ship it and they've been doing it since I bought my first Colt Goldcup in 1969. It misfired or hangfired at least once in very 7 rounds--absolute crap. But because it was a Series '70s, a Colt and a Goldcup to boot when I sold it the idiot who bought it knew what he was buying and told me that all Goldcups are finicky , that all it needed was a little stoning on the sear, trigger, and a heavier Wolf spring and he would be shooting through one hole. And I told him it would be worth a thousand dollars more if he put ivory grips on it.:sarcastic:
I have allways wanted a Colt SAA .45, scince I was a little kid.
When I see these guns at gun shows or pawn shops, etc. They are always asking about $1500 for them.
Such as abble ammo shows them for about $1200 and then you look at places like gun broker and they are asking about $1500-$1600. How much do dealers pay for these guns?

Can these guns be found cheaper?
I must know!

If you must have the genuine article (Colt SAA), you are going to pay big bucks! If I really wanted one and didn't have the funds, I would go with the Uberti. They make authentic reproductions of famous firearms from the old west. You can get these Uberti guns for half the price.

A. Uberti Firearms
Well I have an Uberti American Arms Regulator .45 LC.....great gun, but what about the new ones listed on ables ammo...are they worth the money. or i'm asking are they as good as the armerican arms one?

Or is the new colts good guns.

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