Colorada non-resident CCW permits

I've been searching for info on how to obtain one of these and couldn't find specific information so I gave up and shot an e-mail to one of their County Sheriffs. This was my e-mail and their reply:

I am writing you in regards to a non-resident ccw. I currently have a WA resident ccw and would like to obtain a CO ccw because if it's wide acceptance throughout the mid-western states. Cold you direct me to or otherwise inform me as to how I should proceed. Thank you,

I received your emailed question in reference to out-of-state Concealed Handgun Permits. Colorado has no such permit. The law was extensively overhauled in 2003 and revised again in 2005, and currently, you must either be a resident or own real property or a business in Colorado to obtain a Concealed Handgun Permit. Likewise, if you live in Colorado, other state's permits are not valid. You can research Colorado Revised Statutes at: Link Removed
The Concealed Handgun Permit law is 18-12-201. Regards, M. Ostrander
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Yea--the sheriff is right on that. I've never heard of a non resident permit here.
Last year the legislature changed the law to where only Colo permits are legal here--meaning that if you move here from another state you must get your Colo CCW--the one from the state that you moved from is not valid in Colo. if you become a resident
Let me make it easy for you. CO does not issue nonresident permits. Also, since the state no longer honors nonresident permits from any of its reciprocal states, if you're visiting there, the only way you could carry (outside of Denver) is if you open carry.
I believe it was just last year, in late May, that Colorado passed a statute that non-resident permits from other states are recognized in Colorado only if:
--the state issuing the permit has reciprocity with Colorado;
--the permit holder must be a resident of the state that issued the permit.

That makes my FL permit useless in CO, since I am a resident of NJ.

It is old news that Colorado does not issue permits to non-residents, with the exception that the sheriff's office pointed out, about owning real property or a business in CO.

I wonder if owning a timeshare in Colorado counts as owning real property.....
I believe it was just last year, in late May, that Colorado passed a statute that non-resident permits from other states are recognized in Colorado only if:
--the state issuing the permit has reciprocity with Colorado;
--the permit holder must be a resident of the state that issued the permit.

That makes my FL permit useless in CO, since I am a resident of NJ.

It is old news that Colorado does not issue permits to non-residents, with the exception that the sheriff's office pointed out, about owning real property or a business in CO.

I wonder if owning a timeshare in Colorado counts as owning real property.....

Kinda an oxymoron, isn't it? I believe that you should have replaced the word nonresident with out of state so that it makes sense ;). Just a suggestion.
Kinda an oxymoron, isn't it? I believe that you should have replaced the word nonresident with out of state so that it makes sense ;). Just a suggestion.

Not an oxymoron. Let me clarify any confusion that I may have caused.

A Florida permit is honored in Colorado, for Florida residents only. I have a Florida permit, but it is not honored in Colorado because I am a resident of New Jersey.

So, when I said non-resident permits from other states, what I meant was that permits from other states that are honored in Colorado are only honored if they are issued to residents of those states (not permits issued to non-residents of those states).

I hope that clears up what I was trying to say.

Incidentally, the purpose of the Colorado statute was to stop Colorado residents from using out of state permits to carry in Colorado--they wanted CO residents to obtain a CO permit. The side effect of that law is that folks like me will be unable to carry in CO, unless we move to either CO or to a state with reciprocity.
"The side effect of that law is that folks like me will be unable to carry in CO, unless we move to either CO or to a state with reciprocity."

As I understand it you CAN open carry in the state except for Denver. However abiding by the local municipality's codes and such.