My 2 cents!
It's a real same when law abiding citizens are not allowed to protect themselves. My wife is about to graduate with an elementary education degree and I would really like her to be able to carry her handgun. I am afraid, however, this will never change. I hope I am wrong.
What's a shame is that our lawmakers use incidents like this to try and show reason why handguns are bad in the first place, yet they seem to disregard the fact that it's troubled people who've obtained them and misused them, not those of us who have gone through training and FBI background checks to get our licenses to legally carry.
I do agree with one thing though, guns are too easily available to too many kids, and they're being used way too much in gang shootings or in the illegal drug trade. My own son is in prison now because he was dealing meth and carrying a firearm, something I most definitely did not teach him, yet I totally agree with his sentence because of his actions. Unfortunately they can easily find and buy these weapons from about anyone on the streets and these are the ones the lawmakers use against the rest of us law abiding citizens in effort to try and make an example of what's wrong with handguns. How unfortunate.
For some reason I've never liked the idea of my firearms being registered, I think that goes back to the fears that if our country ever tried to take our guns they'd know exactly where to go to get the registered ones, yet all the while the unregistered ones will still be out there in the hands of the criminals and that doesn't solve the problems at all! That only makes things worse and much more dangerous for the responsible people they've taken the guns away from.
As I get older I see more and more things that I feel need to be corrected in our country, I find it sad that it's easier to get an audience with a foreign leader than it is with our own president. I'm disabled now due to a trucking accident, I'm forced to live on Social Security, which I paid into all my working life, but when I need dental care Medicaid only covers "
pulling, filling, or cleaning". They don't pay for crowns or implants or anything cosmetic, yet our country funds the US Navy to send the USS Comfort, a hospital ship, around the world to 3rd world countries and offer what they call "
humanitarian operations", giving them free specialty medical treatment and operations that are sometimes unavailable to Americans who need them.
It's not that I begrudge other countries for getting this aid,
BUT I feel it should only be available to them
after our own citizens are taken care of first. Isn't that how it should be? I also find it sad that decent married couples find themselves making decisions to divorce after decades of marriage only in effort to get medication paid for because Medicaid or Medicare refuses to cover it any longer due to their joint Social Security income being over the Social Security limit. Why have "
In God We Trust" on our money if you're going to force citizens to live together out of wedlock in this manner?
Believe me, Social Security Disability or even regular Social Security is no free ride, it's survival only, just an existance. I paid into the system to cover me incase of an accident, it's like any other insurance, but living like this is no picnic, I'm getting by but only barely, I'm forced to live in Section 8 housing and what I get paid is so far below minimum wage it's not even funny! In fact minimum wage for me would be like finding a gold mine.
I don't mean to sound greedy, I'm not honestly, but I do want to see the system work for all. What's sad for me to see is that I can't even get help from the very agency I was forced to pay into all my working life though mandatory payroll deductions, yet they cruise around the world giving it away to other countries for free while I can't get the help I need? To me this is backwards thinking, it just doesn't make sense to me!
Oh well, so much for my two cents on world events.