New member
So I'M a noobie at cleaning handguns never really owned any other then a 22 revolver. So last night a picked up a cleaning kit at walmart( that cheap Winchester deluxe gun cleaning kit) comes in a cheap wooden case and comes with cleaning gear for guns up to 12G. Picked up some Winchester break free CLP and a small bottle of Remington rem oil. I field stripped the gun and applied a few sprays of the CLP cleaner and cleaned the inside and outside of the barrel with a 40cal wire brush and then followed that up with a few passes with a cleaning patch. Set that aside and then sprayed the spring with CLP and cleaned with with a toothbrush and then with a cleaning patch and set it aside. I then picked up the frame and sprayed it with a little CLP and took a toothbrush and a cleaning patch. Then I took the slide and cleaned that with a toothbrush and cleaning patch with CLP. I then took a cleaning patch and put some rim oil on it and ran it through the barrel and wiped down the outside with rim oil. Did the same with the rest of the parts till they all had been wiped with oil. I then took a clean patch and removed any standing oil from the outside of the gun. Put it back together and I was done. But now the frame is leaking the (God awful STINKY break free) it's coming out of the punch pin's and the trigger housing as well as the take down lever. It would seem that I put to much cleaner on the gun? But I followed the detections on the can. So did i clean the gun right? Side Note the gun have never been fired other then the one round they fire at S&W before they ship the guns. I cleaned it because due to me carrying it everyday the barrel and other parts had build up of lint and dirt.