Chicago: Chicago Police Department is engaging in military-type activity

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Chicago Police defended their actions after a lawyer Wednesday released a surveillance video showing stun grenades exploding and SWAT officers pointing assault weapons at people kneeling in a hallway.

"It looked to me like the Chicago Police Department is engaging in military-type activity," said attorney George Becker after filing a $10 million federal lawsuit against the city, adding that his clients thought they were being robbed.

The lawsuit accuses police of searching a Logan Square social club at 2514 W. Fullerton on May 30 without showing a warrant. The officers raided the building during a birthday party for a woman, Becker said.

The lawsuit says police stole up to $1,500 from amusement devices and $1,000 from a safe they broke open. Becker said police have not provided an inventory for any seized cash.

Also, five women said they were humiliated during strip-searches by a female officer in front of male officers and male patrons of the club, called La Familia Motorcycles, Becker said.

The video does not show women being strip-searched -- or officers breaking open amusement devices and a safe. Becker said he thinks that activity was not on the video because officers pointed surveillance cameras toward the ceiling.

But police defended the search as proper.

"We believe the officers acted within department guidelines in executing the legal search warrant," Police Department spokeswoman Monique Bond said.

An informant told police a shipment of drugs was destined for the building, but only a small quantity of drugs was seized along with a 9mm gun, police said.

Two people were arrested -- one on a bond forfeiture warrant and one on a reckless conduct charge, Bond said.

No one has filed a complaint with the Independent Police Review Authority about the raid, Bond said. "The matter will be investigated," she said.

Police said they suspected the building was a stronghold for the Maniac Latin Disciples street gang.

The black-clad SWAT officers were responsible for securing the building before Jefferson Park District tactical officers conducted a search for guns and drugs, police said.

A few of the plaintiffs have been in prison, Becker acknowledged, adding that he did not know if any are gang members.

The city, meanwhile, has ordered La Familia Motorcycles to stop providing food, selling liquor and charging admission for music.
This is purely anecdotal, but I once had a co-worker who had briefly been on the Chicago police force, and he described them as one of the most corrupt and brutal police departments he had ever heard of. There was a bundle of cash in every policeman's locker every week, the guy said, and when asked what it was for he was told to keep quiet. He colorfully described his ex-workmates as "brutal f***ers". This would have been early to mid 80's.
This is purely anecdotal, but I once had a co-worker who had briefly been on the Chicago police force, and he described them as one of the most corrupt and brutal police departments he had ever heard of. There was a bundle of cash in every policeman's locker every week, the guy said, and when asked what it was for he was told to keep quiet. He colorfully described his ex-workmates as "brutal f***ers". This would have been early to mid 80's.

It has been that way for many years. At least as far back as the Al Capone days. A lot of that can be traced back to the top. Daley world is a great example of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I have lived in Chicago. And, I was glad to leave.

Remember this police force is located in "CROOK" county and being commanded by "KING RICHARD". What do you expect??? I have been told that a lot of dead people vote the way KING RICHARD wants them to in Chicago elections.
Has anyone also noticed that even though Chicago's population is decreasing, the size of the police department continues to increase? The population (approximately 2.8 million) is currently the lowest it's been in over 60 years, yet the size of the department (approximately 13,600 sworn) is also the largest it's ever been. NYC, on the other hand, despite its growing population, is actually slowing the growth of its PD (currently about 35,000, down from a high of over 37,000). Besides treating Chicagoans as if they are ATMs, King Richard hates guns (on more than one occasion, he has stated his desire to see all guns banned; also, he has tried unsuccessfully at taxpayers' expense on more than one occasion to create a 100 mile gun free zone centered in Chicago that would have included parts of Indiana and Wisconsin). As much as I hate saying, the fact is, Chicagoans don't stand up to these rapists; why do you think the Mayor keeps coming up with ways to tax, tax, and tax them into submission? He knows that no matter how much he raises them, nobody is going to stand up to him. Furthermore, because only the police and gangbangers have handguns, the people are defenseless.
Is it any coincidence that cities like this one who favor heavy handed gestapo police tactics are also the same ones who have the most draconian firearms laws? I think they like the deck stacked in thier favor at the expense of our rights.
Is it any coincidence that cities like this one who favor heavy handed gestapo police tactics are also the same ones who have the most draconian firearms laws? I think they like the deck stacked in their favor at the expense of our rights.

In a word no. When you have a corrupt society anywhere it begins to permeate all walks of government. It starts at the top and works down. There is a Bible verse that says "when the head is sick the whole body is sick". Chicago is a good example of that.
I've pretty much hated chicago since the first time I visited. just an evil feeling about it. as time goes on and stuff like this happens it's confirmed time and time again.
In the wake of D.C. v. Heller, Mayor Daley referred to the ruling as "very frightening" and said that if Chicago is forced to do away with its handgun ban, he'll have no choice but to raise taxes to hire more police as a result of the increase in violence that will inevitably take place.

Apparently, the mayor believes that more guns in the hands of his city's law abiding citizens is a bad thing. He believes that the ban has made the city safer. He has not considered that the ruling will not change anything for the criminals and gangbangers, all of whom already had handguns before the ruling, and will continue to do so after it. Of course that's not how he sees it, however.

Are you sure Daley wasn't in Arizona when the state legislature was considering the CCW law? Many police officials were badgering the legislators with claims that if the CCW law was passed with it's provisions on crime prevention by armed citizens, that there woul dbe people cruising around day and night, looking for purse snatchers to blow away. They also presented the argument that the crime level would explode past all ability of the police to handle it. The predicted crime wave never materialized, in fact, the crime level dropped drastically. Possibly the BGs were hesitant to attack anyone, because you never knew who might be packing heat. I understand the Arizona Legislature has considered decriminalizing carrying without a permit, dropping it from a misdemeanor to a petty offense, which means it only rates a monetary finr and no jail time. THey had a case in municipal court onnce, prior to the CCW law being passed, when a city cop arrested a guy in a bar with a concealed weapon. The magistrate asked what led the cop to believe the guy was armed. The officer stated he could see the outline of the gun through the guy's T-shirt. The magistrate then said, "Then it wasn't concealed, was it? Case dismissed." He then told the officer he should have charged him with carrying a gun in a bar, which is still prohibited.

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