A credit card company has suspended processing payments for a dealer over concerns their guns may be sold out of state. If you have a card from this company, and can, you may want to cancel it.
Ronwill, you can read more about this here. Link Removed I started a thread about it in the "Off-Topic" forum on 01-11-2008. Hopefully others will see here also. Everyone needs to see what Citi Merchant Services and First Data Corp are doing.
Ronwill, you can read more about this here. Link Removed I started a thread about it in the "Off-Topic" forum on 01-11-2008. Hopefully others will see here also. Everyone needs to see what Citi Merchant Services and First Data Corp are doing.
I read that as well. It was for a dealer right now, but you can bet the idea might spread. No offense to any member here, but a list of anti gun companies , e-bay, etc., shows all are headed by women. One can only guess the connection there. The cards only make it easier for dealers, and make things more convenient. I would never allow any bank, to tell me what I could or could not buy. Today guns, tomorrow, who knows, Jack Daniel's, or maybe they would decide they didn't like Apple Computers?? Where would it end, once started. You are either in business or you are not. If enough people go elsewhere, maybe some of these fools will get the idea, but I doubt it.