Check THIS out!!

Brings to mind a new plank in my domestic policy platform:

All liberal Hollywood actors are to be contained on a deserted island where they can tape this kind of sh#t to their hearts' content. If they wish any movie be made available for general consumption, they must swim the video to the mainland through Great White Shark infested waters, after having shaved (women included) with dull razors.

HA... That's way too easy... Child’s play…

People have to remember that it's just a movie. If the kids who watch this crap (that have little or no parental supervision to begin with) decide they want to try some of the stunts and get hurt or killed, Oh well. One more nominee for the Darwin awards....

Sorry kinda harsh, but how I feel.

How was X-Mas JJ?
HA... That's way too easy... Child’s play…

People have to remember that it's just a movie. If the kids who watch this crap (that have little or no parental supervision to begin with) decide they want to try some of the stunts and get hurt or killed, Oh well. One more nominee for the Darwin awards....

Sorry kinda harsh, but how I feel.

How was X-Mas JJ?

How-do, 6SC. Christmas was different, this year. We had a blizzard, started Christmas Eve day, which dumped over 25 in. All well and good (very Currier & Ives in the beginning hours), except youngest son and I have a small snow-removal business on the side, so we spent the entire weekend running plows and such. Oldest son was in town, so there were festivities, but I was basically wrecked after spending 14 straight hours pushing the white stuff around (and that was just the 1st shift). Anyway, it's all good, of course, the Lord has blessed me with a great wife and sons and friends. Yours?

As per the aforementioned movie, I still think putting all liberal Hollyweird actors on a deserted island is a good idea, in general. :biggrin:
How-do, 6SC. Christmas was different, this year. We had a blizzard, started Christmas Eve day, which dumped over 25 in. All well and good (very Currier & Ives in the beginning hours), except youngest son and I have a small snow-removal business on the side, so we spent the entire weekend running plows and such. Oldest son was in town, so there were festivities, but I was basically wrecked after spending 14 straight hours pushing the white stuff around (and that was just the 1st shift). Anyway, it's all good, of course, the Lord has blessed me with a great wife and sons and friends. Yours?

As per the aforementioned movie, I still think putting all liberal Hollyweird actors on a deserted island is a good idea, in general. :biggrin:

I saw the snow storm coverage on the news and was wondering how bad it was gonna get. I've been out to Fargo ND in Feb and I know it gets cold and windy there. My x-mas was good. Had family together and the weather here was not all that bad. I know the snow removal thing can be tough I work with my brother-in-law doing the same. I run the tractor or a loader or a plow truck when needed.

I was shocked by the video and I know it's just a movie. Like I typed before, if the kids are dumb enough to try things like that they will get hurt. They need the parents to explain that doing that for real will hurt like hell and could kill you.
Man some of you guys need to lighten up, that was freak'n hiiiiiilarious.

....and that's coming from a parent of two beautiful little girls. It's tongue in cheek humor people, not an instructional video.
The only reason I'm mildly offended is that it's not very realistic. That little girl didn't seem to be in pain at all, and that would have hurt like hell! :sarcastic: See the other video with the drunk idiots.

But hey, realistic portrayal of guns in a movie is a bit too much to hope for. Not when every handgun makes a loud clicking sound when drawn from a holster or pointed at someone.
I saw a preview for the movie the clip is from. It looks kind of cheesey, but funny. Normal people going out and being "super heros". Cage and his daughters character fight together. I gues the scene in the clip are just before they decide to be super heros.
While I did find it a bit amusing and Nicholas Cage's offhand type of humor can be funny I really feel this scene is completely irresponsible.

A firearm should NEVER be pointed at anything you don't intend to shoot. Shooting at body armor is one thing. Shooting at someone in body armor is completely different.

Someone might be dumb enough to try this (enough people already have - the soldier holding the sapi plate above his head that gets shot in the thigh, those idiots in the youtube clip, etc.). It also gives one more "incident" for the anti-gun crowd to latch on to.
At this point I am numbed to the nonsense that comes out of hollywood. But it does pose an interesting scenario. What are the odds that the Brady Bunch comes out and criticizes Hollywood? That would be a fight worth watching.

The reality is that I would have never seen this if this clip wasn't posted here.