Cheap holster = gun in toilet .....


New member
My bodyguard had a diving lesson this morning! This cheap nylon holster is going in the garbage ..... and yes the laser still works lol....
Hopefully at YOUR house and BEFORE you used the toilet? Otherwise, bust out the rubber gloves and rubbing alcohol lol....
My bodyguard had a diving lesson this morning! This cheap nylon holster is going in the garbage ..... and yes the laser still works lol....

LMAO!! The same thing almost happened to me about a year ago! Luckily my Glock ended up falling onto the floor instead of into the toilet! :-/ !!
I now have both a Galco King Tuck and a Crossbreed Super Tuck...Problem solved! :-)
Remember that episode of Seinfeld, where George was forced to buy a book that he took into the store bathroom with him? Then he tried to return it at another store, only to find that it had somehow been "flagged" as a "toilet book."

I'm hoping you really like this gun...!
It was my toilet thankfully.... I keep it spotless having little ones running around.... I almost wanted to run out back and do a toilet water/freezing rain test lol but I would have been late for work ;-) I think ill be switching to the pocket holster till I can decide on which one I want.... this pistol have been flawless so far 800+ rounds ....
That's no good.
Good lesson for others though. When buying a holster spend some money & buy good quality. It's cheaper in the long run.
You get whay you pay for. The Ms. ask me one time why holsters were expensive. I told her comfort, quality of consruction, and reliability. Its job is to keep control of a firearm that is theoretically loaded and charged... Everyone around you and yourself are relaying on that holster.
Ive always feared that happening. Sounds pretty gross man. I'd scrub that thing clean with some disinfectant if you ever plan on holding it without a glove.
And maybe your bullets will give your attacker an E-Coli infection if you ever have to use them.
Never understood the attraction of mouseguns and cheap holsters, glad your bodyguard survived with minimal trauma.
I didnt pay much so i didnt expect much..The holster was just to get me by till I found "the one" but did function as needed while my pants are up lol... I forgot to mention I did flush before it took a dive thankfully and I keep mentally putting faith in the studies done saying most toilets carry less bacteria that a kitchen sink :-)
SGB:250947 said:
Never understood the attraction of mouseguns and cheap holsters, glad your bodyguard survived with minimal trauma.

In my line of work compact is necessary as I need to fit into small places, climbing, squatting etc... I'd love to keep my .40 on me all day but its not practical trust me I tried to make it work... when something's better than nothing grab a BUG... Or install one of those awesome holsters robocop has built into his leg ;-)
That's why I threw away all of those cheap holsters years ago- I bought them LONG before I knew any better. Buy stuff with a good name or something much more secure. Look up some of the threads on holsters.....
Remember that episode of Seinfeld, where George was forced to buy a book that he took into the store bathroom with him? Then he tried to return it at another store, only to find that it had somehow been "flagged" as a "toilet book."

I'm hoping you really like this gun...!

HOLY CRAP, hey post the S/N so we can flag it as a "Toilet Gun". I buy online a lot!
My good holster was drying from a wash last month & I had my LCP in a bigger one carrying around the house. PLOP. Oil & cleaning. Fell in during the flush. Glad its 2 big 4 the hole & glad it was #1.

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