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I definately think charcoal is better than gas. I've heard disturbing news though; that it causes cancer:frown:
Only in the state of California:man_in_love: Seriously, I only use gas if there is no other option.:laugh:
It isn't the charcoal itself, the intense heat is supposed to turn the fat into a carcinogen, or some silly crap like that.

People have been eating red meat cooked over hot coals for at least a couple of years lol.
That. just dont burn your burgers! or your turkey in the oven, or your bacon in your frying pan.
on the rock climbing forum we call this YER GONNA DIE!!!!!!

But really if you listen to the Lib's we are much more likely to die by our firearms. The more you own the more chance one will crack and shoot you one day.
I definately think charcoal is better than gas. I've heard disturbing news though; that it causes cancer:frown:

I've been cooking over charcoal and/or wood almost every sunny day for over THIRTY years. (7wk/365yr)

Don't believe a lot of what you read about cooking & eating meat. Most of the studies are scewed because thay are done by people who oppose eating meat. So, they are activily looking for ANYTHING that will support their agenda. (No matter how minut the danger)

yer gonna die!!!!!!!!

I plan on living forever in a new & glorified body. One day, maybe my body will quit on me and I'll be present with my Lord & Savior.


Until that day comes, I will continue to break out the Kingsford every chance I get. (This week alone, I cooked steaks, chicken quarters, salmon & a huge boston butt!)

I've been cooking over charcoal and/or wood almost every sunny day for over THIRTY years. (7wk/365yr)

Don't believe a lot of what you read about cooking & eating meat. Most of the studies are scewed because thay are done by people who oppose eating meat. So, they are activily looking for ANYTHING that will support their agenda. (No matter how minut the danger)

Newpapers make a big deal out of risk doubling or tripling by eating some product I'll call xxx. That sounds extremely dangerous to double the risk. But consider this. By buying two lotto tickets I can double my odds of winning lotto, or buy three and triple my odds of winning. So instead of one chance of winning out of twenty million, I would have three chances out of twenty million. WOW!
I definately think charcoal is better than gas. I've heard disturbing news though; that it causes cancer:frown:

I can't count the number of BBQ's I've had over charcoal. The only advise I would give about charcoal is use the lump type not the briquette type and stay away from the "match light" stuff. Use a chimney to start the charcoal bed and stay away from the fluid starters.

The match lite and fluids impart their taste into what ever it is your cooking. Of course some consider the fluid to be the "secret ingredient" in their burgers! :biggrin:

I use both charcoal and gas depending on what I'm cooking. I like charcoal for smoking because the lump hard wood charcoal adds to the flavor. Personally I use "Cowboy Brand" hard wood lump. It's easy to get down here and it burns longer and hotter pound for pound compared to briquette, even Kingsford.

I go with the gas grill if I'm just throwing a couple of burger on and I don't have the time to mess with Charcoal.

It's all a matter of personal preference, besides, I don't think either one will harm you unless you inhale the got gasses or try to eat a burning lump! :biggrin:
personally, there's probably much more to worry about from all the crap they inject into cows and hogs then what the charcoal may do to it.

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