Changing caliber


New member
Hello Folks,

I have a question that I think is quite important. I have looked high and low for answers, but haven't found any.

I am planning to go through the NV CFP course soon. I want to qualify with my .40 SW Glock, perhaps two of them. Here's where I'm confused. I am planning on purchasing a 9mm conversion barrel (with the ejector, extractor and mags) for my Glocks for both cheaper practice and SHTF situations where I don't have access to .40 SW ammo. From what I have read, this setup is reliable enough for carry if the proper parts are changed. I haven't tried it for myself yet, but I will surely do an in depth test first. I have no reason really, to carry 9mm, as I feel the .40 SW is a superior round for SD. But I want to know if I would be able to carry this if I wanted or needed to one day in the future. Would this require a separate qualification? My blue cards show the model and caliber of my firearms, so I assume the CFP does too. It seems that if I ever had to use my weapon one day and the caliber fired wasn't one I am licensed to carry, I am asking for a problem.

The second part of this question is the big one. It's the opposite question as before. Let's say someone goes to the CFP course with their G33, (subcompact Glock .357 SIG) but has a conversion barrel in it for 9mm. I don't know how close the instructor watches, but could one qualify with this weapon using 9mm ammo, then "hit the streets" with .357 SIG ammo?

Look, I'm not saying I want to try this. But I want to know if there is a proper way to go about the qualification with both setups on the same weapon.

Does anyone have any experience with doing this?

I carry a G19 9mm every day, I found that I am more cofortablee with a 9mm.. I have several Glocks, which several are 40 cal. but I personly find I do better with the 9mm........I have a custom G22 40cal. with ported barrel, and recoil reduction system, 2lb trigger, mag well, and all the goodies.. But when it comes to personal carry I will stick with my G19......... I know each person is diffrent, and each perfers different types of firearms, and diffrent calb's............ Good Luck on your decission............ OH and the 9mm is alot cheeper to shoot ............
I have a question that I think is quite important. I have looked high and low for answers, but haven't found any.

I am planning to go through the NV CFP course soon. I want to qualify with my .40 SW Glock, perhaps two of them. Here's where I'm confused. I am planning on purchasing a 9mm conversion barrel (with the ejector, extractor and mags) for my Glocks for both cheaper practice and SHTF situations where I don't have access to .40 SW ammo. From what I have read, this setup is reliable enough for carry if the proper parts are changed. I haven't tried it for myself yet, but I will surely do an in depth test first. I have no reason really, to carry 9mm, as I feel the .40 SW is a superior round for SD. But I want to know if I would be able to carry this if I wanted or needed to one day in the future. Would this require a separate qualification? My blue cards show the model and caliber of my firearms, so I assume the CFP does too. It seems that if I ever had to use my weapon one day and the caliber fired wasn't one I am licensed to carry, I am asking for a problem.

The second part of this question is the big one. It's the opposite question as before. Let's say someone goes to the CFP course with their G33, (subcompact Glock .357 SIG) but has a conversion barrel in it for 9mm. I don't know how close the instructor watches, but could one qualify with this weapon using 9mm ammo, then "hit the streets" with .357 SIG ammo?

Look, I'm not saying I want to try this. But I want to know if there is a proper way to go about the qualification with both setups on the same weapon.

Does anyone have any experience with doing this?
If you get caught carrying a "specific" semi-auto pistol that is not on your NV CFP in accordance to NRS 202.3673, you will be committing a category C felony per NRS 202.350. You need to qualify with every "specific semi-automatic firearm" you wish to be authorized to carry concealed. Specific semi-automatic firearm pertains to make, model and caliber.

I have an EAA Witness steel compact in 10mm. If I want to get the caliber conversion kit and carry .40 S&W or .45 ACP, I need to qualify with it in those calibers so my NV CFP would have on the back or on file in the NV criminal repository when a check is done on my NV CFP;

EAA WitC .40 S&W
EAA WitC 10mm
EAA WitC .45 ACP

NV CFP certified instructors do verify the caliber of the "specific" semi-automatic pistol when signing off on the qualification. NV CFP instructors also have no issue with you doing a conversion during the qualification session so that caliber can be added to your NV CFP.

Also keep in mind that in NV, once you qualify with a make, model and caliber of a specific firearm, you can carry one with any serial number. If you qualify with a Glock 33 in the factory caliber of .357 SIG, you only need to qualify with a single Glock 33 in .357 SIG, not every one you own or again if you buy another one. If you change barrels to .40 S&W or 9mm, you will need to qualify with it in those respective calibers.

If you're a NV resident and the firearm is not on your NV CFP, don't carry it in NV or get it added. I also consider you good to carry it concealed once you qualify with it and have paid the fee to the county sheriff to have it added. Keep the receipt for the fee and a copy of the NV CFP qualification addendum until you get your updated CFP. I keep the original receipt and a copy in my CCW file at home. A copy of those documents with my vehicle registration and proof of insurance until my updated NV CFP arrives. I have heard Washoe County issues updated CFPs on the spot, Clark County (LVMPD) mails them. Typical turn around time is a week. Another note on adding firearms to your CFP. Clark County (LVMPD) will not process additions until after your initial CFP has been issued. If possible, qualify with every thing you own that you want to CCW when you do your initial or renewal qualification. The only change LVMPD will process between the time you apply and issuance are address changes. I can't vouch for what other counties do with respect to processing additions.

I cannot comment on how the LVMPD Firearms Unit handles registration of concealable firearms that are in multiple calibers as of yet. I've been meaning to address that issue but haven't gotten around to it as of yet.

I appreciate the information, that's exactly what I was looking for. I will be sure to bring everything I want to qualify with to the class for my initial qualification.

The information regarding one firearm with multiple calibers is not something I could find anywhere. I was aware that the make, model and caliber were listed on the CFP; but having multiple calibers on one firearm was not explained in any material I found. I hope someone else will find this useful too, thanks for posting!


Edit: Oh, one more thing... How does this affect the blue card? Does the firearm need to be registered in both calibers first too?
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Edit: Oh, one more thing... How does this affect the blue card? Does the firearm need to be registered in both calibers first too?
I haven't gotten a straight answer on that one. My friendly neighborhood FFL doesn't know either. I haven't purchased any caliber conversions for my EAA Witness as of yet. I did send an e-mail to the LVMPD Firearm Unit quite a while back asking that question and they haven't responded.

I don't believe a firearm can be registered in the LVMPD firearm registration database with multiple calibers going to a single serial number so it probably only needs to be registered in the original factory caliber or the caliber it's been permanently converted to if it's a customized pistol. To my knowledge, the only concealable firearm that was available out of the box from the factory with multiple calibers are the no longer produced IMI Jericho 941 which originally was in 9mm and .41 AE. To my knowledge, all others come from the factory in one caliber.

Best bet on that one is to call the CCW Detail and ask. I know they have dealt with this issue before. I'll be asking the CCW detail sergeant that specific question when I get my NV CFP instructor certification next month. My answer to you previously in this thread pertaining to qualifying is based on what the statute states and what I know a specific NV CFP instructor does to address this issue. In other counties, there's no concealable firearm registration code so the blue card issue isn't an issue.

Also another issue with respect to qualifying with a firearm capable of multiple calibers (i.e. .357 and .44 magnum revolvers). You can qualify with a .357 magnum loaded with .38 special and .44 magnum loaded with .44 special.
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Hello Folks,

I have a question that I think is quite important. I have looked high and low for answers, but haven't found any.

I am planning to go through the NV CFP course soon. I want to qualify with my .40 SW Glock, perhaps two of them. Here's where I'm confused. I am planning on purchasing a 9mm conversion barrel (with the ejector, extractor and mags) for my Glocks for both cheaper practice and SHTF situations where I don't have access to .40 SW ammo. From what I have read, this setup is reliable enough for carry if the proper parts are changed. I haven't tried it for myself yet, but I will surely do an in depth test first. I have no reason really, to carry 9mm, as I feel the .40 SW is a superior round for SD. But I want to know if I would be able to carry this if I wanted or needed to one day in the future. Would this require a separate qualification? My blue cards show the model and caliber of my firearms, so I assume the CFP does too. It seems that if I ever had to use my weapon one day and the caliber fired wasn't one I am licensed to carry, I am asking for a problem.

The second part of this question is the big one. It's the opposite question as before. Let's say someone goes to the CFP course with their G33, (subcompact Glock .357 SIG) but has a conversion barrel in it for 9mm. I don't know how close the instructor watches, but could one qualify with this weapon using 9mm ammo, then "hit the streets" with .357 SIG ammo?

Look, I'm not saying I want to try this. But I want to know if there is a proper way to go about the qualification with both setups on the same weapon.

Does anyone have any experience with doing this?


My guess is that you would have to qualify with both calibers.
Thanks for all the input, I appreciate it.

I was out of town for the long weekend and finally got to call Metro about the blue card. If you want to use a conversion barrel, you do need to get a second blue card for the gun. So it's almost treated like 2 guns. Simple as that!

netentity is right again.

I called Metro back in May about the registration and they told me I had to register the gun again, and carry a blue card in both calibers. When I went to go do it, they said exactly what netentity said....You can't register one gun twice. Perhaps the person I spoke to thought I said it was a permanent conversion. Metro only cares about what the numbers on the actual gun say. Any aftermarket accessories you put on it, they could care less about. That includes different caliber barrels.

Where I was getting confused is that I was told I needed a blue card for every gun listed on the CCW. But you can add as many calibers as you want to your CCW with one semi-auto. So as long as you have the one blue card, you're good.

So, the point of all this is.......The only time the caliber change matters is if you apply for CCW. No registration is needed otherwise! And of course, all this only matters to folks in Clark Co.

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