cel pal cary holster


New member
i am looking for a new way to carry my glock and came across a add forf the cell pal deep concealment holster and was wondering if anyone here has used this system and what they think about it the other system i was thinking about getting was the super tuck again any thoughts or opinions would be greatly welcomed.
i am looking for a new way to carry my glock and came across a add forf the cell pal deep concealment holster and was wondering if anyone here has used this system and what they think about it the other system i was thinking about getting was the super tuck again any thoughts or opinions would be greatly welcomed.

I love punctuation...and my supertuck. I don't have any experience with the cell pal but heard highly mixed reviews. I'd recommend the super tuck to anyone.
The Cell Pal was the first holster I bought when I started carrying conceled. While it is a great idea I could never make it work right. I could never get any of my cell phone cases to fit it right so I could draw without just removing my cell phone case from it. They didn't have any cases for sale that would fit my phone so nothing seemed to work. I did try several things and even if I did get something to stay on it I could never seem to get it to go down over my belt unless I undid my pants. It never worked for me the way it shows on their website. From the choices you gave I would go with the Super Tuck. My finances were a little tight at that time (I wasted too much on the cell pal) so I went with the Kholster and have been very very happy with it for a lot less $$$$$.
My neighbor uses a cell pal and I would say that it looks comfortable but inconvient. In order for him to draw he must reach in his pocket and push his gun up and out of his pants or reach his hand completly in his pants. I dont think it would be a quick draw if needed. If your considering it try it out first I have seen them at alot of gun shows and I'm sure the vendor would let you try it before you buy it. I myself use a standard all leather IWB holster with a metal belt clip and have no problems outta it. I am considering a crossbreed for my next holster purchase though. Good luck.
I carry a full size .45 Glock 21 in a Super Tuck Deluxe and it is very comfortable and it conceals very well. Highly recommended.
Thanks for all your help i think I will be getting the Super Tuck deluxe. that was my first choice and you all have given me confidence in my decision to buy one once it comes in I will let you know how i like it.
Well i just found a new holster from another post on this forum called kholster. it seems to be really close to the super tuck deluxe it has had some great reviews and comes with an unconditional money back guaranty. at about half the price. i did order one today when it comes in I will post my opinion on it. if it is a s good as i have heard I should be verry happy:pleasantry:. we will see.
I think you will be very happy with your Kholster. I have had mine for a couple of months, and I wear it and only it daily. It is very comfortable and conceals very well with my Sig P250. Godd luck and be safe.

Semper Fi
I bought the Cell Pal I tried it for a week. I could never get it right. it was always uncomfortable. I then purchased the Galco summer comfort. It was nice but it was like trying to hide a brick in your waistline. Got the crossbreed supertuck deluxe and stuck the others in a bottom drawer somewhere. That is the crem de la crem of IWB holsters.
The Cell Pal was the first holster I bought when I started carrying conceled. While it is a great idea I could never make it work right. I could never get any of my cell phone cases to fit it right so I could draw without just removing my cell phone case from it. They didn't have any cases for sale that would fit my phone so nothing seemed to work. I did try several things and even if I did get something to stay on it I could never seem to get it to go down over my belt unless I undid my pants. It never worked for me the way it shows on their website. From the choices you gave I would go with the Super Tuck. My finances were a little tight at that time (I wasted too much on the cell pal) so I went with the Kholster and have been very very happy with it for a lot less $$$$$.
Same experience here. I found it has excellent concealment capabilities, but I never could make it comfortable enough for me. I would sure try one our before purchasing if a friend or relative had one to loan. Heck I would give mine to anyone who asked, if I knew where the darn thing is----I think I eventually tossed it. So many of the specialty holsters depend on body build.
I've never used the holster, but I did see the demonstration videos on their website. http://www.concealedcomfort.com/

To be honest, the demonstration really "turned me off" if you look at his strong hand it appears as though he's "throwing" the gun up with his left an catching it with his right, they also "throw" the gun from the left to the right hand. It appears as though there is too much "fumbling" around with the gun for me to want one. Great concept though.
Have been using my Kholster with my Glock 22, 40 cal and it is comfortable, very adjustible and easy to grab when necessary.
Glock 22
Colt Cobra 38 Spl

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