Cease and desist...BS!!!

Wild Dog

A few nights ago I was out patrolling a nearby neighborhood. It was the witching hour and I noticed a house with the front door ajar. Knowing it was game time, I racked a round into my shotgun and entered, ready to blow away any street scum I came across. As I explored the house I heard a noise behind me, I then turned around and fired. I struck the punk in the left knee. He screamed and writhed in agony on the floor, I put a foot on his shoulder to keep him in place. The blood loss began to make him hallucinate and he sobbed for his mother.

"Mama can't help you, now," I said, shoving the barrel of my weapon into his mouth ready to administer the coup d'grace.

As my finger hovered over the trigger, pictures on the wall caught my eye. I looked, and saw the dirtbag I held at gunpoint in most of them. I then realized it was his house. I proceeded to get the hell out of there before the cops showed up.

Fast foward to tonight. I heard the guy I shot was in a medically induced coma and the cops sent me an order to cease and desist my so-called 'vigilante' crusade. What a load of crap.

What do you guys think I should do?

Buy some more masks and different sets of combat gear. That way The Man won't know if it's you keeping our streets safe, or some other armed dispenser of Justice.
Howdy WD,

Screw 'em!


P.S. Why did you have to rack a round into your shotgun? Why wasn't it already RTG?
When you carry 400 rounds, it's worth it to eject one just to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.
Howdy WD,

I leave the chamber empty so I can rack a round for dramatic purposes and to scare the crap out of dirtbags.

I understand. I've seen men piss themselves after hearing a 12ga racking a round into the chamber.

I do the same thing but with a loaded chamber. Afterwards, if I can, I'll pick up the ejected shell.

Keep up the Good Fight and don't let the Man grind you down.

I found the perfect disguise to continue my righteous crusade:
Link Removed

I'll arm myself and be unrecognizable to all modern forms of detection. Wild Dog still lives!!! And the war goes on.
Wild dog still on here? Wow. With out the like button I don't come here much, hard to follow.
(Sent from under the table at the Burger King)
A fool putting on a Ninja outfit doesn't make you a Ninja. You're still a fool.
A fool putting on a Ninja outfit doesn't make you a Ninja. You're still a fool.
Fool, yeah right. All I do know is practice my nunchaku and shuriken throwing skills. You better believe I'll look like a grade A bad***. I think someone is jealous.
Well choreographed. Good special effects. but just another "B" grade kung fu movie. I like cage matches better.
A "B" grade tribute to "B" grade movies. What a concept. It's like having a TV dinner as a tribute to fine dining.

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