CCW PI Question


New member
Little background, when i turned 18 back in 98 i got my Indiana CCW it was for 4 years.
In 2002 i got arrested for PI, it was my first and only encounter with the police.
It was deferred, all i had to do was stay out of trouble for 1 year. Then it was to be removed off my record. But I have read that it might not really be removed. I have not ever been in any trouble after that.
I know I should talk to a laywer.
I have also been told that im over-reacting and just apply for the new one..
There is a lifetime for ~$135 :)

EDIT (This might need to be in the Indiana forum) sorry
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Go ahead and apply. I think you are fine.

You are right, it never really goes away. The only time that discrepancy is going to come up is if you apply for a position in law enforcement or military. Oh and one more tip, don't consume alchohol while carrying a firearm. Just like automobiles, it's never a good mix.
Little background, when i turned 18 back in 98 i got my Indiana CCW it was for 4 years.
In 2002 i got arrested for PI, it was my first and only encounter with the police.
It was deferred, all i had to do was stay out of trouble for 1 year. Then it was to be removed off my record. But I have read that it might not really be removed. I have not ever been in any trouble after that.
I know I should talk to a laywer.
I have also been told that im over-reacting and just apply for the new one..
There is a lifetime for ~$135 :)

EDIT (This might need to be in the Indiana forum) sorry

If it was just the public intoxication conviction, you should be okay. I would just apply.

Good luck!
If it was just the public intoxication conviction, you should be okay. I would just apply.

Good luck!

According to the first post, there was no conviction. There is an arrest record and fingerprint record that will never go away. However, in most cases this is not checked when applying for a carry permit. Issuing agencies are mainly concerned whether you have been convicted of any felony or a misdemeanor involving violence. Had it been an arrest involving violence, domestic or otherwise, then it could become an issue. In this case, I do not see a problem with obtaining a permit. I'm sure it would depend on the state though.
I am looking at the permit information for Indiana right now and it reads:
"Your application for a personal protection or target permit may be turned down for the following reasons:
...2. Shall not be issued to any person who has a conviction for a felony.
3. Is an alcohol abuser, which means an individual has had two (2) or more alcohol related offenses, any one of which resulted in a conviction by a court or treatment in an alcohol abuse facility within three (3) years prior to the date of the application.
It goes on but this is the only mention of alcohol related offenses. So you should be good to go.
And if your permit is valid right now a lifetime permit will cost you $100 ($40 for local fee, $60 for state). If you dont have a valid permit it will be $125 ($50 local, $75 state)
Well, let us know how it goes. What is your intended carry gun?

By the way, welcome to the site.

I have been looking at the Glock 23 but im not sure yet.. I want something in a .40 or .45.
I'll be going to the range soon to try out some different guns to see what I like and what I can afford.
My last gun was a LLama 38 Super, but i got rid of it when my permit expired.


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