CCW Person-How Ready Are You To Take Action


New member
As a Concealed Carry person how trained are you to action, can you take that shot, can you draw your weapon fluidly with precision. Have you taken any training classes in tactics or in combat/protection situations.

Since were talking about Conceal Carry, having access for immediate draw is limited because our weapon is under our shirt/sweater or coat. If you sense a dangerous situation that's one thing, but what if a situation occurs spontaneously... if someone pulls a weapon, a robbery occurs while your in a store, or anything that may happen without warning.

Its one thing when a situation escalates and you have time get ready or get prepare to some degree, but when something happens on a moment notice how would you react.

If your in a calm/norm area, and someone banishes a weapon without the immediate treat to shoot, how would you react, or, what if that aggressor shoots at someone, what would you do.

Do you have more training other than target practice at the gun shop/range, how much training do you feel a person needs. Protecting your home is one thing, but taking action in public is another.

If some pulls a weapon or shoots (not at you) within a 20 yard radius of you, what would you do, how would you react. (your by yourself)

No one wants to brow beat anyone or insult anyone by their actions, you may read about some good tactics/ideas, and maybe some stuff to think about.

Scenarios/training/tactics are fun to discuss.
retreat should be first in the thoughts of any CCL

A Reply to the questions:

If your in a calm/norm area, and someone banishes a weapon without the immediate treat to shoot, how would you react, or, what if that aggressor shoots at someone, what would you do.
*It is not my job. I would take cover until my life or family member is in danger.

Do you have more training other than target practice at the gun shop/range, how much training do you feel a person needs. Protecting your home is one thing, but taking action in public is another.
*I have no additional training other than routine practice. In public it is not my job. I would take cover until my life or family member is in danger.

If some pulls a weapon or shoots (not at you) within a 20 yard radius of you, what would you do, how would you react. (your by yourself)
*20 yards is a long way away, it is not my job. I would take cover until my life or family member is in danger.

Reaction should not be to shoot. Instead retreat should be first in the thoughts of any CCL person. The liability that comes with pulling the trigger demands it. You had better be able to put into words why you chose to stop a person with deadly force and be assured, it will be a costly decision either way. $$$$$
A Reply to the questions:

If your in a calm/norm area, and someone banishes a weapon without the immediate treat to shoot, how would you react, or, what if that aggressor shoots at someone, what would you do.
*It is not my job. I would take cover until my life or family member is in danger.

Do you have more training other than target practice at the gun shop/range, how much training do you feel a person needs. Protecting your home is one thing, but taking action in public is another.
*I have no additional training other than routine practice. In public it is not my job. I would take cover until my life or family member is in danger.

If some pulls a weapon or shoots (not at you) within a 20 yard radius of you, what would you do, how would you react. (your by yourself)
*20 yards is a long way away, it is not my job. I would take cover until my life or family member is in danger.

Reaction should not be to shoot. Instead retreat should be first in the thoughts of any CCL person. The liability that comes with pulling the trigger demands it. You had better be able to put into words why you chose to stop a person with deadly force and be assured, it will be a costly decision either way. $$$$$
I agree with all the the fact that if you keep a low profile you can actually be a good witness to the situation. Worst comes to worst if the attacker notices you, this is when you are suppose to act, NOT before.
A priority tactical move (when possible) besides drawing your weapon and shooting... is Move... Cover... Cover... Move.

We don't want to become a stationary target, moving/creating distance from the threat will increase your odds of not being shot, standing fast trying to get your conceal weapon out from under your clothing many get you killed.

The hip shot that Police train is vital, they may encounter a shooter/threat up close and spontaneously, taking that shot from the hip may save a life. Even for CCW people its a sound tactical move, drawing your weapon (under Clothing), bring it up to eye level while cupping both hands together for a flash sight picture is not a good tactical move close up. The hip shot and point shooting will save your life as you retreat/cover/creating distance from the shooter.
Yes, I am prepared. But of more importance is I am also prepared to NOT draw and fire.

I say that because I see so many CCW, especially new CCW, who I somehow feel see carrying and the prospect of shooting someone some sort of romantic notion akin to being James Bond.

Here is the deal. Many states, including here in Florida no longer have a duty to retreat by law, so that means you must instill a logical desire to retreat by training. If you HAVE a choice between drawing and firing, and running like three year old girl ... my answer is RUN! Of course, if you do not have the choice, then draw and fire as you have also trained.

Your most powerful weapon is between your ears, put it to use first and if the need to use a firearm comes up you will be prepared.
Shooting it out like James Bond is manly, but that's TV, the best choice is taking that avenue of escape and calling 911. Don't misunderstand me... if you HAVE TO shoot... then you shoot.
Ever hear the cliche, "When you're holding a hammer, every problem looks like a nail"?

Just because you have a gun doesn't mean that you go around shooting. That is the WRONG mindset for someone carrying concealed. A firearm is the LAST resort. Avoid if you can, run if you must and shoot only when it comes down to either you and yours or him and do NOT miss.

I ain't a cop, I DO NOT CARE if you rob the local Jiffy Mart. I'm not going to stop you because I ain't a Jiffy Mart security guard either. BUT, if you go waving your gun at me and mine or start shooting, then it's on. Otherwise, I'm gonna stand there (lay there, hide there-whatever) and just be a good witness.
We've run this "convenience store robbery" scenario before. My take is that if some dirtbag is pointing a gun at a clerk and threatening to shoot during a holdup, I will react, if at all possible. Move, cover, LOS all come into play. I will not stand there and watch some young coed trying to work her way thru school get her face blown off.

I've had considerable professional training in defensive/tactical handgun and don't think I could live with myself if I covered my ass only to let someone else die. What the hell are sheepdogs for, anyway?

Just me, of course. Everyone gets to make their own decision.

Training is EVERYTHING.
The sheepdogs are the cops. It's their job to protect the flock. I'm not a sheepdog, I'm a ram. Rams are sheep that have horns and are not afraid to use them.
I’m with JJ on this one. I could not just stand there and watch someone get killed if I were in a position to do something about it. What if you where at the local grocery store and some punk came in there with an AK-47 and started blowing people away at random. Your first duty would be to protect your family but if you were alone and could take the shot without endangering the lives of others, would you? Would you be in fear of your life? How many times has the CC community said that guns in places like a school campus could have saved lives, like Virginia Tech? Of course there are dozens of scenarios that one could think of. Yes, you have to be damn certain that your course of action is the correct one and one that you can live with. If I was pulling into a parking lot and some punk was running away with a gun and it was obvious that he had just robbed the place I would call 911 and then try to render aid to anyone that had been hurt. There are a lot of good responses to this thread. There was a case of a “citizen” that came to the aid of a woman who was being raped. He drew his weapon and killed her attacker, panicked then fled the scene. Later he called the cops and reported what he had done. He turned himself in but was released and no charges were filed against him after the woman confirmed his story. Sorry, I wish I could remember more but it has been over a year since I read about it. Like gunsite stated, “if you have to shoot…then you shoot”.
What do you practice

Another part of being ready to take action, is being abel to and practicing shooting with both eyes open, this enhances your depth, cone of vision, and surroundings. Your eyes are a team, they work together to bring you sight.

People ask me what stance do i prefer, Weaver or Isosceles, since i train in combat/tactical shooting scenarios there is no prefer stance, you have to shoot from all positions. If you remember the first rule of a being in a gunfight, its moving (when possible), and if your moving... your not in a stance.

Using all stances should be practiced, shooting and reloading on the move, you may have to use a weaver or isosceles on a moments notice, you may have to go to a prone, or shoot while you're on your back, or kneeling, moving sideways, and shooting while retreating/advancing.

If you ask me to draw my weapon or when i practice my Mechanics, i'll go to a type weaver stance with both eyes open, i think its a natural body movement, it provides good vision, and allows a good starting point to any type of movement. (side-to-side) (forward-retreat) (pivoting)

I found that this works best for ME.
I totally agree, if it's at all possible I would remove myself from danger first. It will not help me or anyone else if I am hurt. However...if it's a matter of imminent life and death (mine or someone else's) then I hope to be able to make the decision to do what I have trained to do, and stop the threat. Always keeping in mind that I own every one of those bullets that leaves my gun...
The best tactic in self defense is take cover and call 911. like it has been said its the leos job to protect us. the only reason a shot is to be fired is if there is no other option. My suggestion from being with the sheriffs dept for a while. is number one take cover. this includes you and your family. if at all possible if your in a store close to a door so you can get your family out. second of all is get your shirt or coat positioned to where you can draw your weapon. and then wait call 911 get the leos on the way and wait your a witness. stay coverd like it has been said move to put as much distance between you and the aggressor as possible. only fire if you are going to be fired at. if the aggressor turns at you with the weapon by all means take him out. if you have a ccwp and your afraid to use your weapon turn in your permit to where you got it and dont carry. its our second amendament right to keep and bear arms for our protection from others. i am prepared to use my weapon that i carry daily if need be but im also prepared to use my head and not act like the movies and shoot it out.
jtg452, I like the analogy that those that would choose to not take action for a stranger are rams, it's fitting.

However, those of us that will not stand by while someone looses their life are indeed sheepdogs. More often than not, the police are a mop up crew.
im not saying that i wouldnt take action with someone elses life is in danger but my first and foremost is my family getting them out is first then you way the options and take care of business
if im by myself and someone comes into a store and starts shooting people im shooting at him. im going to protect anyone in danger cause if im close enought to it im in danger of being killed. family is with me thats another story, they wil be the first persons who are safe and behind cover. while the gf calls 911 im going to make sure the bg does not come anywhere close.

i dont want to be a hero, but if someone is going to take a life i dont think i could just stand there and let it happen, but im not just going to shoot unless the person has actually fired first, but i do hope never to be put into that situation.
I would not risk life, limb and law to defend someone who doesn't carry their own gun, when it's so easy to legally carry your own gun in my state.

For instance, if I were pulling into the Quickie Mart and through the store window I saw someone inside robbing the place at gunpoint, I woudn't go inside and play hero. I'd drive away FAST, while calling 911 on my cell phone.

However, if I were IN the Quicky Mart and someone pulled out a gun and started robbing the place, I'd likely shoot him, because it's reasonable bet, ethically and legally, that he will shoot me and mine too.

The best tactic in self defense is take cover and call 911. like it has been said its the leos job to protect us. the only reason a shot is to be fired is if there is no other option. My suggestion from being with the sheriffs dept for a while. is number one take cover. this includes you and your family. if at all possible if your in a store close to a door so you can get your family out. second of all is get your shirt or coat positioned to where you can draw your weapon. and then wait call 911 get the leos on the way and wait your a witness. stay coverd like it has been said move to put as much distance between you and the aggressor as possible. only fire if you are going to be fired at. if the aggressor turns at you with the weapon by all means take him out. if you have a ccwp and your afraid to use your weapon turn in your permit to where you got it and dont carry. its our second amendament right to keep and bear arms for our protection from others. i am prepared to use my weapon that i carry daily if need be but im also prepared to use my head and not act like the movies and shoot it out.

Somebody needs to read Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, and see what the Supreme Court of the United States has said about the responsibility of LEO.
As a Concealed Carry person how trained are you to action, can you take that shot, can you draw your weapon fluidly with precision. Have you taken any training classes in tactics or in combat/protection situations.

Since were talking about Conceal Carry, having access for immediate draw is limited because our weapon is under our shirt/sweater or coat. If you sense a dangerous situation that's one thing, but what if a situation occurs spontaneously... if someone pulls a weapon, a robbery occurs while your in a store, or anything that may happen without warning.

Its one thing when a situation escalates and you have time get ready or get prepare to some degree, but when something happens on a moment notice how would you react.

If your in a calm/norm area, and someone banishes a weapon without the immediate treat to shoot, how would you react, or, what if that aggressor shoots at someone, what would you do.

Do you have more training other than target practice at the gun shop/range, how much training do you feel a person needs. Protecting your home is one thing, but taking action in public is another.

If some pulls a weapon or shoots (not at you) within a 20 yard radius of you, what would you do, how would you react. (your by yourself)

No one wants to brow beat anyone or insult anyone by their actions, you may read about some good tactics/ideas, and maybe some stuff to think about.

Scenarios/training/tactics are fun to discuss.

4 things are important for training:
The Law

Situational awareness and avoidance of a compromising situation should take precedence above the use of deadly force. God help you, if there is collateral damage.

Justified or not the event will still require a lot of time, a good lawyer and money. Then again, you're still alive to tell the story.

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