CCW endorsement on NCDL


New member
Has there been any discussion about approaching our elected officials about having our CCW permit issued as an indorsement on NC drivers license?
I'm not sure that it would be plausible for the fact that the DMV is not in charge of CCWs.
I'm also not sure I want the DMV having anything to do with CCWs.
That's how they do it in MO so yes it can be done. The issue with that would be privacy, any time you have to show your DL they would see the CCW endorsement. MO has gotten around that by issuing a separate ID card with the CCW endorsement to those who request it.
That's how they do it in MO so yes it can be done. The issue with that would be privacy, any time you have to show your DL they would see the CCW endorsement. MO has gotten around that by issuing a separate ID card with the CCW endorsement to those who request it.

Interesting... It is as if the state is actually helping its resident CCW. How revolutionary!
I'm not sure I see the reason. You already have a CCW card. An anytime a cop runs your license tag in NC he gets a check of the pistols database so he knows you have a permit to carry.
Thanks NCjones for the question.

My thoughts were 2 fold. First it would eliminate the need to show two pieces of ID. Second, it would be one less thing to carry in the wallet. One common form of ID, just like the CAC.

It could be done just as NC CCW Permit #, on your licences, add "NC" after your license number. For example, 1234567NC.
However, the logistics involved could be horrendous.

Thanks again.

I'm not sure I see the reason. You already have a CCW card. An anytime a cop runs your license tag in NC he gets a check of the pistols database so he knows you have a permit to carry.
Thanks NCjones for the question.

My thoughts were 2 fold. First it would eliminate the need to show two pieces of ID. Second, it would be one less thing to carry in the wallet. One common form of ID, just like the CAC.

It could be done just as NC CCW Permit #, on your licences, add "NC" after your license number. For example, 1234567NC.
However, the logistics involved could be horrendous.

Thanks again.

While it is not a problem to me, some folks with CC have issues with others knowing they have a CC, and thus every time they show their ID they would be disclosing their CCWP.
While it is not a problem to me, some folks with CC have issues with others knowing they have a CC, and thus every time they show their ID they would be disclosing their CCWP.

While I see your point. However, unless you know what to look for, to most people asking for ID would not know the difference.
While I see your point. However, unless you know what to look for, to most people asking for ID would not know the difference.

The other issue would be dealing with LEOs in recirocal states. Unless the notation on your DL clearly indicated that you had a CCW permit, you might have difficulty establshing that during an out-of-state traffic stop.

I know that LEOs in other states often don't know that the "M" in my DL indicates that i have a motorcycle endorsement.

I have a problem with it because if I lose my wallet, or it is stolen....the people that may have my DL now have my home address and also know I have a gun or guns in the home now....that's just a thought.
The endorsements are explained on the back of a DL, last time I looked.
Kansas formerly issued CCH on the licensees choice of the DL or a separate card.
Last year the law was changed to make all CCH on a separate card.

They cited two reasons... privacy and the fact that a DL can have a much longer expiration date and CCH expires in 4 years.
I have a problem with it because if I lose my wallet, or it is stolen....the people that may have my DL now have my home address and also know I have a gun or guns in the home now....that's just a thought.
The endorsements are explained on the back of a DL, last time I looked.
They're going to know it anyway if you have a separate license or permit as typically your address is on those as well. They're on all of my CCWs. I don't keep my CCWs in a seperate wallet. It's more of an issue for me when I travel as I have all of my non-resident CCWs. It could be an issue for me if even one of them gets lost or stolen.
They're going to know it anyway if you have a separate license or permit as typically your address is on those as well. They're on all of my CCWs. I don't keep my CCWs in a seperate wallet. It's more of an issue for me when I travel as I have all of my non-resident CCWs. It could be an issue for me if even one of them gets lost or stolen.

Good point, can't argue that one. So why not make the permits have a photo id, a registration number and a name only? Then at least there would be less of a chance someone could track your house down, etc.
If all government issued ID's were barcoded, including the CCH, then an officer could simply scan it and determine your information. The military uses it every day and it's relatively effective at keeping people who have no business on base off base.

Just a thought.
We have an old saying in the Military, (I'm a retired MSgt - USAF) that say's; "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Our present system works, leave it alone! :no:

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