CCW Confidentiality in Douglas Co, Nevada

The following letter has been sent:
Stillwater Firearms Association
P. O. Box 665
Fallon NV

April 15, 2008

Mr Frank Adams
Executive Director, Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association
P O Box 3247
Mesquite NV 89024


Dear Mr Adams,

Does the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association support a sheriff that intentionally and knowingly violates Nevada state law (NRS 202.3662) by disclosing CCW permit holders’ confidential information to the general public and/or media?

The Reno Gazette Journal (Link Removed) reports:

In Douglas County, the sheriff's office releases the names of individuals with permits...

In a telephone conversation with me on April 10, 2008, Sheriff Pierini confirmed that he does, indeed, release CCW permittees’ names to the general public. He further indicated he has no plans to change his policy.

It is absolutely clear that Nevada law prohibits the release of CCW permit holders’ information. Nevada Revised Statute 202.3662 states:

NRS 202.3662 Confidentiality of information about applicant for permit and permittee.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section and NRS 202.3665 and 239.0115:
(a) An application for a permit, and all information contained within that application; and
(b) All information provided to a sheriff or obtained by a sheriff in the course of his investigation of an applicant, are confidential.
2. Any records regarding an applicant or permittee may be released to a law enforcement agency for the purpose of conducting an investigation or prosecution.
3. Statistical abstracts of data compiled by a sheriff regarding permits applied for or issued pursuant to NRS 202.3653 to 202.369, inclusive, including, but not limited to, the number of applications received and permits issued, may be released to any person.
(Added to NRS by 1997, 1174; A 1999, 851; 2007, 2077)

It is further noted that Sheriff Pierini spoke of “open record” laws, presumably NRS 239.010 which states:

… all public books and public records of a governmental entity, the contents of which are not otherwise declared by law to be confidential, must be open at all times …

Nevada Revised Statutes are clear. The application and all information contained therein is confidential and that would include the applicants/permittees names. The general rule of interpretation of statutes is: When there is a general statute and a specific statute, the more specific statue controls/prevails. Granting of the application/permit would not eliminate the requirement of this law.

Again, in view of NRS 239.010 and NRS 202.3662, it is clear Sheriff Pierini is in direct violation of Nevada law.

When a Nevada sheriff discloses permittee names, he is not only violating NRS 202.3662, but also placing the permittee and his family at risk of personal danger; the criminal element can simply obtain names and subsequently burglarize permittees’ homes. This practice also increases the probability of a confrontation between a permittee, his spouse, and his children, and an intruder. The very nature of a CCW is that the citizen wishes his possession to remain confidential. There is no public benefit to be gained by violating the NRS. In fact, the release of the information most definitely increases the chances of property loss and personal injury.

Stillwater Firearms Association most urgently requests Sheriff Pierini immediately cease and desist from releasing CCW permittees names and addresses. Intentionally placing law-abiding citizens in danger for absolutely no reason is inexcusable. With members in 10 Nevada counties (including Douglas County), SFA and untold numbers of law-abiding citizens anxiously await your expedited response in this most urgent matter. Please respond as soon as possible, with copies to all listed below.


J. L. Rhodes

Copies to:

Governor Jim Gibbons
State Capitol
101 N Carson St
Carson City NV 89701

Senator Mike McGinness
770 Wildes Rd
Fallon NV 89406-7843

Assemblyman James Settelmeyer
770 Hwy 395 N
Gardnerville NV 89410

Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea
P O Box 97
Eureka NV 89316-0097

Douglas County Commissioners
P O Box 218
Minden NV 89423

District Attorney Mark Jackson
P O Box 218
Minden NV 89423

Ms Carrie Herbertson
NRA ILA State & Local Affairs Division
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 625
Sacramento CA 95814

National Rifle Association of America
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax VA 22030

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Pl Suite 102
Springfield VA 22151

Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Liberty Park
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue WA 98005

Second Amendment Foundation
James Madison Building
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue WA 98005

Douglas County Sheriff Ron Pierini
P O Box 218
Minden NV 89423
Sheriff Pierini admits that NRS 202.3662 makes CCW APPLICANTS' info confidential.

But he thinks that since the law doesn't specify PERMITTEES, he can release PERMITTEES' info.

Of course, that defies logic. If the applicant's name is confidential, how can the PERMITTEE'S name somehow NOT be confidential???

If necessary, we will go to our legislature in 2009 and request a clarification amendment to existing law.

In the meantime, I MOST CERTAINLY HIGHLY ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to write a similar letter.
Thanks for this infomation. My brother and I took CCW instruction with Semper Firearms out of Sparks. I am not a Nevada resident, so I had to file my CCW application in Washoe County. My brother lives in Gardnerville, which is Douglas County. He is not going to be happy to hear this. The idea of concealment is confidentiality, Disclosing CCW permit holders' names to the public not only defeats this purpose, it puts lives in danger.
VICTORY in Douglas County

Good news! Douglas County DA Mark Jackson has been enlightened and now understands the law and the legislative intent. DA Jackson and Sheriff Pierini have stated they will no longer violate NRS 202.3662 - they will now keep CCW permittee names/info CONFIDENTIAL.

It seems this generated quite a lot of correspondence and email. Many thanks to everyone that took the time to write. THIS DOES make a difference!

I received the following email today:
Douglas County DA Mark Jackson has changed his position. Using the references to the applicable NRS and the legislative history provided to him, he has concluded that his original position that the CCW applications and NOT the permits, was incorrect.

He stated that he will be informing the Douglas County Sheriff that both documents are Confidential.

UnderSheriff Paul Howell also just called me as I was typing this, to tell me the same news. He asks that folks spread the word to please stop calling and emailing. His inbox is full. Ha ha.

And very fast. I didn't even get a chance to send an email from here. I am sure glad that we don't have any problems on this with our sheriff or D.A.

And very fast. I didn't even get a chance to send an email from here. I am sure glad that we don't have any problems on this with our sheriff or D.A.

Thanks, Gordo. Also thanks to Washoe and Churchill County District Attorneys as they provided guidance to the Douglas County District Attorney.

Speaking of Nye County, nearly a year ago I wrote to Sheriff Tony DeMeo.

The Nye Co CCW application form indicated the sheriff charged an additional $15 per firearm if one desires more than two firearms listed on his/her permit. Question: From what source do you derive the authority to charge this additional $15 fee?

On the application form, there was a place for each firearm's "color," barrel length, and serial number. Question: From what source do you derive the authority to mandate this information?

Nevada law is very specific in outlining the requirements for CCW permits and does NOT permit the above information. Also, the Nevada legislature has reserved the right to regulate all firearms law.

I specifically requested he cease and desist from requiring firearm serial numbers. He disagreed. I have the correspondence to share if you would like to see it.

After I made a few calls to a few Nevada Senators and Assemblymen and the Legislative Counsel Bureau, I was told that Sheriff DeMeo did, indeed, cease and desist.

However, I've not yet seen any updated CCW application form/package from Nye County.

Perhaps you could obtain a Nye County CCW application form/package for our review to ensure Nye County is in compliance with NRS 202???
I can confirm that Nye County removed the serial number requirement. Of course, they already have my serial numbers. But, at least, people who are now applying won't have to list them. They also stopped charging more for extra firearms. I had a money order all filled out to get my permit with 6 firearms listed on it. I had to go back to the post office and cash it so that I could get another one for less money.
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I can confirm that Nye County removed the serial number requirement. Of course, they already have my serial numbers. But, at least, people who are now applying won't have to list them. They also stopped charging more for extra firearms. I had a money order all filled out to get my permit with 6 firearms listed on it. I had to go back to the post office and cash it so that I could get another one for less money.

Thanks, Darrel. Good news, indeed.
Thanks, Gordo. Also thanks to Washoe and Churchill County District Attorneys as they provided guidance to the Douglas County District Attorney.

Speaking of Nye County, nearly a year ago I wrote to Sheriff Tony DeMeo.

The Nye Co CCW application form indicated the sheriff charged an additional $15 per firearm if one desires more than two firearms listed on his/her permit. Question: From what source do you derive the authority to charge this additional $15 fee?

On the application form, there was a place for each firearm's "color," barrel length, and serial number. Question: From what source do you derive the authority to mandate this information?

Nevada law is very specific in outlining the requirements for CCW permits and does NOT permit the above information. Also, the Nevada legislature has reserved the right to regulate all firearms law.

I specifically requested he cease and desist from requiring firearm serial numbers. He disagreed. I have the correspondence to share if you would like to see it.

After I made a few calls to a few Nevada Senators and Assemblymen and the Legislative Counsel Bureau, I was told that Sheriff DeMeo did, indeed, cease and desist.

However, I've not yet seen any updated CCW application form/package from Nye County.

Perhaps you could obtain a Nye County CCW application form/package for our review to ensure Nye County is in compliance with NRS 202???

Thanks to all of you. It doesn't affect me directly, but it might someday. I am planning to move there at some point and my brother, a Gardnerville resident, is going to be elated to hear this good news. On his behalf, I send you his thanks.
Update on CCW Permit Holder Confidentiality

FYI: Legislative Alert Mailed by NRA This Week

Update on CCW Permit Holder Confidentiality

August 5th, 2010

Dear Nevada NRA Member:

On July 1st of 2010, the Nevada Supreme Court issued a ruling stating that the information pertaining to right to carry permit holders is not held confidential under the current wording of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 202.3662). A recent letter from each county sheriff to CCW permit holders within their respective counties was sent detailing the event which led up to the Supreme Court ruling. In that letter, the sheriffs state they were releasing the names only, not the addresses (as narrowly defined). Understandably, this law caused a great deal of concern amongst Nevada gun owners!

At this time, the NRA is working with the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (nvsca), local district attorneys, grassroots activists and legislators on a legislative fix for the 2011 session of the state legislature to ensure that these names are held confidential. There is a great interest in getting this corrected as soon as possible, and when we have a Bill Draft Request in the works, we will inform members so they can begin lobbying their legislators. To view a copy of the Nevada Supreme Court Opinion, go to:
Link Removed

Link Removed

Just a heads up for fellow Nevadans, I never received any notification from the Clark County Sheriff or anybody else for that matter that they were going to release my name or anybody else's name that is a CCW holder...
Thanks, Bo.

I/we had the battle won - until the Supreme Court ruled.

I admit I understand the court's logic, but I think they really missed the boat on this one.

Now we plan to get corrective action in the form of legislation in the 2011 session.

And note apparently not all sheriffs are sending notice - nor are they required to do so.

Thanks again.
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Just a heads up for fellow Nevadans, I never received any notification from the Clark County Sheriff or anybody else for that matter that they were going to release my name or anybody else's name that is a CCW holder...[/QUOTE]

Nor have I.
Just called the Lyon County sherrifs office and was told that they would verify if someone did or did not have CCW. The names and other info are not "public", but if you asked if a certain indivdual had one they would tell you yes or no.:mad:
Just called the Lyon County sherrifs office and was told that they would verify if someone did or did not have CCW. The names and other info are not "public", but if you asked if a certain indivdual had one they would tell you yes or no.:mad:

Might as well give out all of the information while they're at it!

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