CCW, Anyone ever get one or know of anyone ever getting one in Hawaii?


New member
As the title says, have you or do you know of anyone ever getting a CCW here in Hawaii. If so, details to get it? I here its dang near impossible here.
John Lott's latest report indicated there were 183 permit holders in Hawaii (as of Jan 2010):

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Note that Jan 2010 was almost five years ago and the permits are only good for one year. It's possible there are close to zero active permits at present.
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It must suck to live there.

Or, maybe, there's no U.S. Constitution in effect in Hawaii; or maybe there's no crime there?

Geez ... I hope that the State of Hawaii politicians are "protected" by those bad guns ...


All <sarc>
It is worse than that: Link Removed
Here are some statewide statistics from Hawaii's .gov site. It looks like someone squeeked through in Kauai in 2006.

Quote from: Link Removed

Hawaii’s county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. Statewide in 2008, 195 employees of private security firms were issued carry licenses, and one (0.5%) was rejected. One private citizen applied for a concealed carry license and was rejected at the discretion of the respective county police chief.

Quote from: Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division | Research and Statistics Branch

Hawaii’s county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. Statewide in 2007, 236 employees of private security firms were issued carry licenses, and six (2.5%) were rejected. Seven private citizens applied for a concealed carry license; all were rejected at the sole discretion of the respective county police chiefs.

Quote from: Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division | Research and Statistics Branch

Hawaii’s county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. Statewide in 2006, 227 employees of private security firms were issued carry licenses, and two (0.9%) were rejected. One private citizen in Kauai County applied for a concealed carry license and was approved at the sole discretion of the police chief.

Quote from: Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division | Research and Statistics Branch

Hawaii’s county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. Statewide in 2005, 235 employees of private security firms were issued carry licenses, and none were rejected. Six private citizens in the City & County of Honolulu applied for a concealed carry license and were denied at the sole discretion of the police chief.

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Hawaii’s county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. Statewide in 2004, 263 employees of private security firms were issued carry licenses and one (0.4%) was rejected due to disqualifying factors. (Notably, 2004 marks the first year in which the rejection rate for security officer carry permits did not exceed the rejection rate for regular longarm and handgun permit applications from the general public.) Five private citizens in the City & County of Honolulu applied for a concealed carry license and were denied at the discretion of the police chief.

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The county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. During 2003, 249 employees of security firms were issued carry licenses and seven (2.8%) were rejected due to disqualifying factors. One private citizen also applied for a carry license and was denied at the sole discretion of the police chief.

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The county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. During 2002, 239 employees of security firms were issued carry licenses and 6 were rejected due to specific disqualifying factors. Four private citizens also applied for a carry license and were denied at the discretion of the respective police chiefs.

Quote from:

The county police departments also process license applications for the open and/or concealed carry of firearms in public. During 2001, 242 employees of security firms were issued carry licenses and 14 were rejected for cause. Ten private citizens also applied for a carry license; at the discretion of the respective county police chiefs, two applicants were approved and eight were denied.

Quote from:

The county police departments also conduct background checks and process applications for permits to carry firearms in public. During 2000, 190 employees of private security firms were approved for carry permits and four (2.1%) were denied for cause. One private citizen also applied for a carry permit and was denied.
Of all the states and cities that have gone Communist, it seems that Hawaii, Chicago, DC, and NYC are the worst. Very sad.