CC with the Glock 26. How safe?


New member
I just purchased my first Glock. The Glock 26, which I intend to use for CC. I have little experience with the Glocks. From all that I've read they seem to be quick to shoot, reliable and accurate. I do have a little concern about safely carrying one. I consider myself to be an extremely safe gun handler. When my gun is loaded my finger does not go on the trigger unless I'm pointing at what I intend to shoot at. Is there any real reason why I should worry about carring my glock 26 holstered with one in the chamber? There are different opinions about carrying with one in the chamber. I personally prefer to have one in the chamber as to be ready at all times.
Like you said... keep your trigger off the finger and the gun will not go off. Ensure all holsters have 100% trigger guard coverage. A thumb-snap holster may add peace of mind, but it's all psychological and training.
As long as you have a holster that covers the trigger guard you have nothing to worry about with a glock. Ive been carrying a g23 for 4 or so years now and never had any problems, nor am I worried about having any problems. Glocks will always go bang when the trigger is pressed, and wont discharge until you press the trigger. and IMHO are one of the best SD weapons you could own. And make sure you have one in the chamber, if you need to shoot you wont have time to chamber a round. Have fun with your g26
I have a 23 as well, and couldn't agree more.

It goes bang if you squeeze the trigger, and doesn't go bang if you don't. As you said:

When my gun is loaded my finger does not go on the trigger unless I'm pointing at what I intend to shoot at.

There ya go. You're bases are covered.

If you need to further put your mind at ease, try it out for a week or so without one chambered and see if that trigger gets squeezed. Unless it's operator error, or a BG, it won't.

Hope you enjoy your Glock as much as I enjoy mine. Not only is it an excellent SD choice, but it's very enjoyable shooting as well. I went with Glock initially based on reputation, then tried a few on the range. I was well convinced, and even more so after owning one for a good while now, that it was a great investment.

It is completely safe if you take the proper precautions. Carrying a Glock 26 or 27 in "conditon 1" (chambered) is comparable to carrying a loaded S&W Jframe revolver. No external safey, DA trigger that goes bang when you pull it....
I never quite understand the desire for a "manual safety". The whole safety concept was designed around single action and the long pull of the double action acts a safety in itself ... a long as the one between your ears is turned on. Of course, if its off that other switch is not going to help either. My Beretta Vertec no longer has a manual safety replacing that lever with a "decocking" lever.

Interesting I was just reading a local new article where one teen shot another in the arm with a shotgun ... "I thought the safety was on" was his statement. I have heard that comment so many times in accidental shootings that perhaps a manual safety is a dangerous thing.

As to one in the pipe, I've never seen an LEO carrying a Glock that does not have one chambered!
If you need to further put your mind at ease, try it out for a week or so without one chambered and see if that trigger gets squeezed. Unless it's operator error, or a BG, it won't.

I did this as well. Carried or 2 weeks without a round chambered. Never did pull the trigger or get it caught on anything that would cause a concern. It did help put my mind at ease.
I did this as well. Carried or 2 weeks without a round chambered. Never did pull the trigger or get it caught on anything that would cause a concern. It did help put my mind at ease.

I did it as well when I first got my G23. As well as (unloaded, of course) various drawing drills, re-holstering, etc. I knew it would work as it should, but that extra little faith from actual observation helped too.
I carry a Glock36 and find it to be quite safe, I would however not reccomend a holster with a thumb brake as this adds One more element or possible obstruction that could find it's way into the trigger guard while reholstering causing a ND. I would look for a holster that utilizes a triger guard retention system like the
Fobus or Cross Breed. It is one less step when reholstering and is extreemly reliable. Good luck and keep your finger off the trigger
I always keep a round chambered no matter what firearrm I carry. It's the only way to safely carry a weapon so that you remain safe! More often than not, the "safety" is inherent...keep your finger off the trigger, don't point the weapon at anything you don't intend to destroy and everyone is safe!
I carry a Glock36 and find it to be quite safe, I would however not reccomend a holster with a thumb brake as this adds One more element or possible obstruction that could find it's way into the trigger guard while reholstering causing a ND. I would look for a holster that utilizes a triger guard retention system like the
Fobus or Cross Breed. It is one less step when reholstering and is extreemly reliable. Good luck and keep your finger off the trigger

I carry a G 27 in a Blackhawk Serpa 2 and love the way it's secured and released with your trigger finger in the proper position...comes with belt and pancake options...enjoy your Glock!
