CC at "The Holy Land Experience" theme park - Orlando?

I haven;t lived in Florida for several years, but as I recall CC was prohibited at sporting events and theme parks. Maybe someone from Florida can confirm or correct this.
There is no legal restriction on theme parks (there is on professional sporting events). I have never visited the Holy Land Experience so cannot comment on that park directly, however the remainder of the parks in Orlando including all of the Disney parks, Universal parks and Seaworld prohibit carry by their rules (not enforcible under the law) and all of them DO search bags upon entry.

In all cases if you are discovered you will be asked to leave the park premises and may find yourself "banned" for life. Return to the property after such action, armed or unarmed may result in an arrest for trespass.

I have written many times about the danger of park carry, because of the unfamiliarity of the "backstop" in that so many walls in these parks that look like stone or other solid objects are actually stucco and styrofoam and it WILL BE YOU who winds up responsible should you fire a shot that injures someone on the other side of one of these walls even if you are stopping a valid threat on this side.

The Orlando theme parks do a great job of security in general. They are so much of a target for so much more than simple nut jobs that their security is really about as sophisticated as it gets.

As noted, however I cannot vouche for the Holy Land Experience in that vein, although I would think that they would consider themselves way up there on the potential target list and respond appropriately.
I have been at gunpoint in Orlando; there's a reason that it is on the top twently list of violent crime cities.

No one said not to carry in Orlando!

I am always armed when not inside one of the actual parks. It is the parks themselves that present the unique position of "fantasy structures" which to me makes an unsafe environment for firearms. My adversion to park carry, besides the fact that I would hate being banned for life, is focused on SAFETY. The only thing worse than not having a gun, is having one and not being able to use it SAFELY, and that is the scenerio that carrying in a park presents.
I started this thread just over 2 years ago and now have the answer. "Weapons" are not allowed according to a Welcome card we were given yesterday when driving onto the property.

Since we had driven 2 hours to spend the day there celebrating our birthdays, I locked my legally carried handgun in my car trunk and told their representative at the Guest Services desk that their web site does not state "weapons" are not welcome. He had me complete a Comment Card so we'll see if they update the site.

But as I'm typing this I just realized I had a "weapon" on me while in the park - a 2" long blade in my pocket knife and a 1" long blade in my money clip. Plus my wife had several pens in her purse. They need to better define what a "weapon" is. I intend on calling next week.

By the way, it's a great place to go . . . if you can be comfortable in a "no legally" carry zone.
No one said not to carry in Orlando!

I am always armed when not inside one of the actual parks. It is the parks themselves that present the unique position of "fantasy structures" which to me makes an unsafe environment for firearms. My adversion to park carry, besides the fact that I would hate being banned for life, is focused on SAFETY. The only thing worse than not having a gun, is having one and not being able to use it SAFELY, and that is the scenerio that carrying in a park presents.

That doesn't make sense. Carrying a firearm is not the same as making a bad shot. Carry the gun, and make the choice to shoot if the situation presents itself.

I cannot understand why people would risk their loved ones dying for the perception that actively responding to violence with violence means innocent people will die. Are your loved ones innocent? Want them to die?

Nobody is suggesting you take 75 yard shots in a crowd.
Just checked the Holy Land Experience web site and see they acted on my suggestion and have added "weapons" to their list of things not allowed in the park. While I disagree with the policy, at least it's no longer a surprise when you arrive and are given the Welcome Card.

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