Carrying while fishing


New member
I'm wondering if any of you guys have any experience with this.

With what I 've read lately about murders and carjackings going on in the woods and adjacent parking areas, I now think it's a good idea to go armed when you go off by yourself with a rod and reel.

SC DNR fishing regulations say that you can carry a handgun while fishing. But...

- PRT says you can carry only with a CWP.
- Corps of Engineers says no firearms.
- Some counties say no firearms in county parks.

So, do the DNR regulations trump any of the above restrictions? Or not?
I carry whenevery I go fishing. I always have my kids with me when I go fishing, so I make sure I am strapped.
Probably the ONLY time I don't carry is at work. And that's only because a fellow employee was found to be ankle-carrying a Kel-Tec. But all they said is, "Don't bring that into work again" and blew it off. I have been shopping in my own store and the LP guy (who knows me very well) asked me if I was 'hot'. And I told him the same thing - when I am working is the ONLY time I am not carrying. I probably go to a lot of places where I shouldn't carry, but as far as I'm concerned, it's a "don't ask, don't tell" thing. In the end, (all together now), I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Fishing? If I liked to fish (I don't have the patience to sit on one spot that long), I'd be carrying in the boat. One final statement: I live in Florida, so there aren't a lot of places where I cannot carry.
ANYWHERE I go, I'm packin. It is also my understanding that this is a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. My wife realized just the other nite I was carrying where "perhaps" I shouldn't have been (a small acoustic guitar music concert), my reply was "a true Patriot is always armed". She just smiled. God love her, she's really come over to the dark side with me.
S.C law says you can.

Counties can't make a different law even though our A.G. whimped out on this and he should be fired. Doesn't deserve to be considered for governor.

Even though the Army Corps says no guns as far as I know you can hunt on their land, but I could be wrong... I carry on their lake all the time and I don't hunt and fish. Their rule is a bunch of crock anyway. I take my chances....
S.C law says you can.

Counties can't make a different law even though our A.G. whimped out on this and he should be fired. Doesn't deserve to be considered for governor....

SC AG McMaster doesn't stand for The People, Their Rights or The Constitution US or SC. Ban his butt from ever being a candidate for Governor. He really showed his true colours when Georgetown County usurped the power of the General Assembly on Bill S.593, legalizing storage of concealable weapons to CWP holders in public schools. He wouldn't even challenge the ordinance, citing private ownership clause....When in the hell did public property become private.

Back to the topic, carry everywhere unless restricted by SC Code 16-23-20, but keep in mind, " be judged by 12 than carried by 6."

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