Carrying in a church?


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I'm visiting some friends in IN, their church is having an event for kids. So far in my reading of IN laws either I missed it or there is nothing on carrying in a religious building. My home state SC does not allow it unless granted permission. Anybody have any insight? Or can point out the section I missed that it's in?

Sent from my SM-G900V using USA Carry mobile app

Since there is no god, churches need lightening rods, locks, safes, alarm systems and need to purchase insurance to cover the building and contents. Likewise, god cannot protect the people in the church, unless they provide their own protection.

In Hendersonville, NC the police chief has taken the stance that; "As much as a lot of people may not want to hear this," Blake said. "It's not a bad idea to have a security plan that may include having members or officers within the church armed and trained to use firearms." The local news covered this meeting today, and there was a large crowd.
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OBTW, NC does not have a law preventing carry in a church, unlike SC which does.
In 2014 Pinckney opposed a bill that would have changed SC law and permitted CC in churches.

Wonder if he had second thoughts about his opposition as he was dying.

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I live in Indiana, so thought I would research this. Here is what I found so far in the FAQ section of the state gov't website - since it doesn't mention churches specifically, I've emailed ISP to ask where, besides what's mentioned here, it's illegal to carry. I'll post the response when I get it :

Are there places where it is illegal to carry a handgun even though I have a valid handgun license?
Yes, there are multiple places where it is prohibited by state statute and administrative code to carry a handgun even though you may have a valid license to do so. You should be attentive for signs warning of restricted areas especially when carrying firearms into public places. Some specific areas that prohibit the possession of firearms include, but are not limited to: School Property (reference IC 35-47-9), Airports and Aircraft (reference IC 35-47-6), Riverboat Casinos (reference 68 IAC 1-7-1).
For more information on this topic visit ISP Firearms Licensing or contact us at [email protected]
My guess is that it's legal to carry in a church unless a sign is posted or something - but this is just a guess and I often guess wrong. :crazy_pilot:
My guess is that it's legal to carry in a church unless a sign is posted or something - but this is just a guess and I often guess wrong. :crazy_pilot:

Funny thing about laws. Laws only impose restrictions, never grant freedoms. They ALWAYS tell you what you cannot do, but never tell you what you can do.

If church or house of worship, are not listed (easy word search of your states gun laws), they you are good to go, at least legally as far as gun laws pertain to attending church.
Funny thing about laws. Laws only impose restrictions, never grant freedoms. They ALWAYS tell you what you cannot do, but never tell you what you can do.

Yes, I visited's site to search for the law, and mostly get 'this site has been updated and the page you're trying to find no longer exists' lol.
What I posted earlier under the gov's FAQ's is the closest thing I could find and at the end it says for more info contact ISP, so i sent them an email. So far no response - I'm guessing they'll be busy arresting drunks shooting off firecrackers over the weekend so I probly won't hear back till next week. :cray:
I'm visiting some friends in IN, their church is having an event for kids. So far in my reading of IN laws either I missed it or there is nothing on carrying in a religious building. My home state SC does not allow it unless granted permission. Anybody have any insight? Or can point out the section I missed that it's in?

Sent from my SM-G900V using USA Carry mobile app

2 things Bruce
1st Don't listen to the idiot.
2nd Post #9 has the best reference so far...

sinful nature is always hostile to God....
Here's the response I got from ISP - The link they provided gives Indiana's code on firearms as of 2015 and is pretty lengthy, but worth being familiar with if you live in Indiana or will be here for some time. As far as churches go, they aren't specifically mentioned in the code, so would fall into the "If the management of a private property posts that firearms are not allowed they can do so by law" category:

Mr. Carpenter,

We have included a link that will take you to Title 35, Article 47 of the Indiana Code. It contains all of the laws regarding firearms in this state. Link Removed

If the management of a private property posts that firearms are not allowed they can do so by law. Please let us know if you need anything further.

Indiana State Police
As far as churches go, they aren't specifically mentioned in the code, so would fall into the "If the management of a private property posts that firearms are not allowed they can do so by law" category:
In Indiana, signs don't have the force of law. Just ignore them and conceal your weapon. If you're asked to leave, you must leave. Otherwise you're trespassing.
There are probably more, but I've only seen a 'no weapons allowed' sign at one place in Indianapolis and that's at the church that runs the largest food pantry in town. They give food to 2,500 or so people each week. The sign is in the part of the church where they give food away, and not at the entrance or where services are held. They have an armed police officer there when the pantry is open.
Maybe ask the church?

Well, that would be a nice think to do. But, as far as Indiana Law goes, it's like any business. If the church has a 'no guns' or 'no weapons' allowed sign up, you shouldn't carry there. If they don't have a sign posted it's legal to carry there unless it's a school or airport or other places that are specifically mentioned in the code. As someone else posted - if a sign is posted, you could carry anyway and leave if they catch you. Personally, if a sign is posted I will either not go in the establishment or not carry there if I choose to go in.

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