Carrying handgun in the back country


New member
I always carry a semi automatic in my back pack when traveling in the back country. Can anyone confirm or not if a permit is required? I have a CO concealed permit but never carry with me in the back country. I do know that I could carry the handgun visible in a holster and that would be ok with respect to CO law. Thanks
Good Morning tricapwr

Why wouldn't you carry your permit with you?

Here in Ohio I always carry and I always have my permit.

When I'm going hunting off my own property, I have my carry and permit, but my hunting rifle is unloaded, and stored separate from the ammo.

Just traveling to the back country you would need your permit unless the pistol and your ammo are locked in two separate location in the vehicle and not accessable to the owner.
Depending on where I am and what type of threat I faced, would depend on the gun and carry. Personallly, in the "Back Country" I would open carry AND have my permit with me. I may or may not have a concealed handgun on me, but at least in my pack, in case I went into an area where open carry might not be kosher, such as on the way home. Backpacking and camping in the back country, I would usually carry something BIG. A 44 Mag or along that same line of thinking. Bears, mountain lions, other critters and 2 legged vermin, can be encountered. I prefer to play it on the safe side and open carry a big gun and have something concealable in reserve.
If you have your permit then you should carry it with you. That way if for some reason you end up on federal land your covered. Besides its another way to identify yourself. When in the woods here in ky I always have my firearm, cell phone, permit, drivers lisence and insurance card with me. That way if anything happens I'm prepared. I guess that's the boy scout in me.
If I understand your post, you are saying that when in the “back country” you carry a pistol, concealed in your backpack, but you do not carry your permit with you.

Here in Colorado, you must carry both your permit AND a valid photo ID when in possession of a concealed handgun. Failure to do so is a “Class 1 Petty Offence”.

My understanding is that this is generally “dropped” simply by showing up in court with your permit to prove that you have one.
i always carry a semi automatic in my back pack when traveling in the back country. Can anyone confirm or not if a permit is required? I have a co concealed permit but never carry with me in the back country. I do know that i could carry the handgun visible in a holster and that would be ok with respect to co law. Thanks

this thread has been a little idle for a while- i have always carried a sidearm with me, in the woods, when hunting, fishing, etc, both open and concealed, even while bow hunting for deer,and elk, i personally have never had a problem with game wardens,or any other law dog, here recently, i have heard of hunters beeing cited a warning, and being cited for carrying concealed while in the field, just wondering if anybody has any more input or facts about this issue !! Law enforcement agencies all over the country are getting more involved in all aspects of law enforcement.enforcing issues they never used to do!! Game laws,immigration,road block during hunting season,etc. Etc. I have had border patrol agents stop me when i was hunting for quail, and ask to see my game license?
This really seems like such a no brainer to me. If you have a permit, why do you carry the gun but not the permit? Think about it; if you're stopped by LEO and can't produce your permit, it's like not having a permit at all. That, and the fact that you're carrying in your backpack, and not readily accessible on your person means you're all the way up Sh*t's Creek without a paddle, IMO. From now on, carry your permit with you. Furthermore, if anything belongs in the backpack, it's the permit, not the gun!
Not Only a Concealed Weapon Permit... BUT Check your State Laws... If you Are in the Woods with a Firearm, That Alone Might be Evidence you are HUNTING.... I Know... a .380 Pocket Auto is Not a Deer Hunting Gun, BUT... Some Laws state that a Loaded Firearm is Evidence of Intent, OR I know some states in the east (Connecticut) , That a Centerfire Handgun is Illegal to have in Procession while in the Woods While Muzzle Loader Season is in effect. It Might be a Wise Idea to Get a hunting License if The State has Such a Law or Read the GAME Dept Laws if you Spend a lot of time Hiking on State or Federal lands...
Just an Idea. Captain
All these hunting laws are backdoor gun control. You have a right to keep and bear arms no matter what hunting season it is. They should have to prove that you were hunting by evidence of spent cartridges, dead game animals in your possession, etc. I'd carry and take my day in court and ask for a jury trial. You never know what you'll run into in the wilderness. We need to educate the public about jury nullification as well. Then we can undo some of these harmful and unconstitutional laws.