I was asked in another forum what was in the kit I carried so I will go ahead and post it here as well
The kit I mentioned be for is from Tactical Medical Packs.
(Not products sorry)
I would recommend the one with the Quick Clot it is only 4-5 bucks more. If you never have never herd of QC before, it is a hemostat agent in a sponge to help the blood clot rapidly. It was redesigned recently to be cooler(102deg.) than its predecessor, so If you buy the QC separately make sure it comes in the white package. I have bought mine through Cop Quest on line for $33. It also comes vacuum sealed, but can be opened to consolidate or add to. I have also got the battle pack in my back pack witch is always near me I will list those contents also. The only thing I would put in the Tac-Pac would be a chest seal to prevent a sucking chest would, since that is a likely place to get shot. Other than that it should be more than enough.
The Tac-Pack® QC™ is intended for the emergency treatment of open or bleeding wounds, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, explosive trauma, and certain smoke & dust conditions.
Latex-Free Gloves
Roll Bandage
Abdominal Pad
N-95 Respirator Mask
Triangular Bandage
Occlusive Dressing
CPR Microshield
25gram Quick Clot® Sponge
with Quick Clot®
The INDIVIDUAL BATTLE PACK™ is intended for the emergency treatment of wounds or injuries sustained during Combat/Tactical Operations to include: open or bleeding wounds, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, and explosive trauma.
Latex-Free Gloves
Compression Bandage
TK-4 One Handed Tourniquet
Chest Seal
Combat Medic Pre-Cut Rolled Duct Tape
50gr. Quick-Clot.
Compressed Gauze 4.1 yds
Medical 5.25" Scissors
The Pluse version $112 is for trained persons only and comes with all the above plus...
Nasopharyngeal Airway w/Lubricant
10 Gauge Angio-Catheter