carry in a kilt

Just curious as to why you wear Kilts? I really have never heard of anyone in the US wearing them are normal attire but usually as part of a uniform or "costume". Of course I would rather see someone wearing kilts that the "baggy pants" costumes that seems to be so popular among the teens nowdays.

To quote my girlfriend "I think kilts are hot!"

The ladys like them, they are very comfortable in hot weather (built in air conditioning when you walk), they are a good conversation piece, and I think they look good.

The UtiliKilts also have models with a lot of pockets/loops for carrying gear. They are great to go hiking in.

I also have some formal kilts that I wear on special occasions or when we go out dancing - again, the women all like them and want to chat up/dance with the guy in the kilt.
As was mentioned, there are several options for packing while kilted, Neokilt, the Utilikilt etc..that little bag worn in front is called a Sporran and will hold a small J frame or a P3at etc. I wear a kilt often and I wear em armed.

Alot of the "modern" kilts now come with pockets, some with cargo pockets and these are great. A heavy gun will weigh the fabric down thus the kilt will hang lop sided. Smartcarry/Thunderwear is an option..IWB is probably best for CCW.

As to why do we wear kilts? Well, pants are okay IF your balls are small enough to fit into them!

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As to why do we wear kilts? Well, pants are okay IF your balls are small enough to fit into them!

I see I am not the only bowlegged person around here. :icon_razz: You could use some panyhose.:Image38:
Except when in uniform I wear a kilt, either a UK or a traditional wool kilt. I'm looking for a way to carry concealed when kilted. I've looked at the smart carry but a traditional is too tight at the waist for an easy draw. Does anyone have any experience with the thigh holsters that are listed as being for use with either shorts or skirts? Any other ideas? If I have to buy a new pistol it's a burden I'm willing to bear.


I wear a UK (Survivor) and carry right on my hip, usually my 1911. but the pockets are deep enough for me to carry in those if have to tuck in my shirt.

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Little late to the party...

I wear kilts because they are hands down the most comfortable thing I have ever worn. Add to that the fact that the wife and I think they look great, they're a great conversation starter and I'm Scots-Irish and damn proud of my heritage... I figure why not? Did I mention how unbelievably comfortable they are? You guys do realize we were built to wear unbifurcated garments, right? I mean, we are the sex with additional appendages between our legs...

As for concealed carry... I haven't gotten my license yet and just ordered my first holster (a Mason-Dixon from Bluegrass Holsters), and I've asked Brock to make me an extra set of 2.5" clips to fit my kilt belt. That should give me a tuckable IWB to wear with it, just like I intend to with my trousers...
All I can say is I will just have to take you guys word that they are comfortable. I am afraid if I walked around town in a kilt I would have to use my gun before I got home.
All I can say is I will just have to take you guys word that they are comfortable. I am afraid if I walked around town in a kilt I would have to use my gun before I got home.

Naw... I live in Dallas and I've never had a problem. Remember... no one wants to be the guy who got his butt kicked by a guy in a skirt.
Little late to the party...

I wear kilts because they are hands down the most comfortable thing I have ever worn. Add to that the fact that the wife and I think they look great, they're a great conversation starter and I'm Scots-Irish and damn proud of my heritage... I figure why not? Did I mention how unbelievably comfortable they are? You guys do realize we were built to wear unbifurcated garments, right? I mean, we are the sex with additional appendages between our legs...

As for concealed carry... I haven't gotten my license yet and just ordered my first holster (a Mason-Dixon from Bluegrass Holsters), and I've asked Brock to make me an extra set of 2.5" clips to fit my kilt belt. That should give me a tuckable IWB to wear with it, just like I intend to with my trousers...

I am Scots-Irish, English and a little French thrown in.
I was going to suggest that you open carry, but after seeing that you reside in Texas, I can see that that is not an option for you. You should probably try some type of tuckable IWB rig.
I was going to suggest that you open carry, but after seeing that you reside in Texas, I can see that that is not an option for you. You should probably try some type of tuckable IWB rig.

Carry in the Survivor UK (Utili-Kilt) is exceptionally easy... lots of very deep pockets and detachable tool pouches.
Just as an update, when ordering my tuckable IWB for trousered wear, I went ahead and ordered a custom set of belt loops for a 2.5" belt (the size of my kilt belt). It should be here next week some time, I'll update the thread on how it works then.
Kilt wearing

I too wear a kilt from time to time, like to the Scottish games, formal dinners, Burn's night, etc. I usuly wear a belt with my kilt (Hunting MacFarline). It has a huge belt buckle, I think I could stuff my AMT backup or Kel-Tek behind the buckle with no problem. When I'm kilted out, I usualy have my Dirk & Skin-do with me. So I'm not compleatly unarmd. The full Claymore is just too long to wear in a restruant. It's hard to sit with it. :^D

In a util-kilt, with pockets (!) you should be able to find a pocket holster that will hold your firearm in a ready position. I normaly cary my Kel-Tek in my front pants pocket.
Consider one of the thin 9mm. Some are only abut 3/4" thick.

As I told an old gentleman and his spouse of many years, "We no wear the kilt for the laddies, but for the lassies." I have no idea what the nice old lady was thinking, but she turned red as a beet. <heh> <heh>


Ralph in MO.

Loch Sloy!
I am new to the forums and obviously late to the thread, but I am glad to see that I am not the only crazy out and about in a kilt. I just got my first one recently; and, after wearing it one day, have informed my wife that I intend to have a closet full of them and wear them daily. It is the most comfortable I have ever been other than going naked. And, it's fun, they are a great conversation starter, a way to display pride in various heritage and/or organizational connections... But, I too have been working with the carry issue. Thanks for all the advice and for sharing your thoughts and ideas.

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