Carry ammo regulations for different states


New member
How does one find what ammo is allowed for concealed carry in each state one will be travelling through? Is there that much difference between states on this matter?

Just some beginning thoughts.

As far as I can recall NJ is the only state that has any kind of restrictions on ammo and they restrict hollow points outside of the home if I am not mistaken.

There may be some restrictions on the 5 seven ammo regarding 'cop killer' bullets that will penetrate body armor, but I am not familiar with any of that.

I would imagine someone will be along soon with more info or to correct me if I am incorrect on any of my thoughts.

How does one find what ammo is allowed for concealed carry in each state one will be travelling through? Is there that much difference between states on this matter?

Just some beginning thoughts.


Contact your local ATF Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Agent they should be able to advise you.
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Most states have a website that discusses concealed carry, In TN it is the Department of Safety. I am not sure that would be the ssame in all states. I am sure the would list any such regulations. FYI there aren't any ammo restrictions in TN
The way I selected my ammo was to ask what the local police carry. You ought to be fine just about anywhere with Federal Hydro Shock or Speer Gold Dot.
I think NJ is the only state with restrictions on that. Of course, that's silly because a FMJ is much more likely to injure a bystander.

The ss109 round that the five seven shoots is actually specifically exempted from being armor piercing under federal law (IIRC). I still wouldn't use that for carry because of over-penetration though.
SS190 isn't AP... it just recieves hype because it can penetrate soft vests and kevlar helmets. Real armor just laughs at it.

SS109 (5.56x45 NATO) does have a hardened tungsten core, it will make it through some steel plate.
SS190 isn't AP... it just recieves hype because it can penetrate soft vests and kevlar helmets. Real armor just laughs at it.

SS109 (5.56x45 NATO) does have a hardened tungsten core, it will make it through some steel plate.

I did have this a bit mixed up. From wikipedia:
The SS190 AP ball FMJ is designated as Armor Piercing (AP) ammunition, designed to penetrate body armor. Its sale to civilians is restricted. (amd's note: restricted by FN, not by federal law) The SS190 bullet has a steel penetrator and an aluminum core. It is interesting to note that the SS109 FMJ bullet is essentially of the same design, except it uses a lead core with a steel penetrator. The SS109 is frequently found in civilian-legal M855 loads sold as surplus or contract-overrun ammunition. FN Herstal has stated that the SS190 round will easily penetrate protections that stop normal pistol rounds, but will not penetrate protections that stop the 5.56 x 45 mm NATO round such as Level III armor.

SS109 5.56mm is steel and lead, not tungsten, afaik.
What I like about this site is the wealth of information available to posters and how willing people are to help others. Sure do appreciate all the feedback. I have noted the responses and stored them in the part of my brain that hasn't fried to bits yet. Should remain there until the summer months of 08.

Again, great responses. Thanks.

At one time years ago, super vals were the hottest thing going. I think they had gun power in the hollow point. Bad ass 380 rounds.
I believe these are called bi-anary rounds. The super-val was not one of these but fragmented on contact .
Being an inmate in New Jersey, I can tell you that the laws here are obfuscatory and confusing at best. I have the dreaded hollow-point ammunition in my arsenal but have elected to carry FMJ or Expanding FMJ here when I carry (limited applications). For the .45, it's not much of a worry, but for other calibers, such as the .380 and .38, I'd much prefer something more formidable like the Glaser Safety Slug.
I'd much prefer something more formidable like the Glaser Safety Slug.

You need to do your research, IWBA hates that round and I agree with them. I've seen to people shot with them. A knife is better than Glasers.

Stick with ball ammo, preferably flat point over round nose.