Canada Gun Laws


New member
Taking a motorcycle trip this summer with a group of friends. Been talking about a route that would put us in Canada for part of a day. If I field striped my handgun and spread the parts in different saddle bags would this get me by if I am searched at the border? Have 2 CWP's so am good for most all the western states but heard Canada is a bitch.
The "Travelers Guide to the Firearm Laws of the 50 States" says "Canada prohibits the importation of any handgun without an Authorization to Transport (ATT). These ATTs are rarely issued to Americans and are given to Canadiens on a highly discretionary basis. Travelers without an ATT who attempt to enter Canada with handguns will have their weapons confiscated, their vehicles impounded and could face prosecution. Securely casing the handgun and stowing it in the trunk will not prevent seizure. Mere possession of a handgun anywhere in a vehicle without an ATT is illegal."

Pretty much sums it up.

You can try calling the Canadian authorities @ 800-731-4000 to try to get an ATT, but don't hold your breath.
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Thanks for the info. I guess I will have to talk them into rerouting. Makes me glad to live in the USA. Just got back from 3 weeks in Australia and wantabe gun owners are totally screwed there.
I was planning the same this summer with a day ride in Canada. WE have now adjusted our route to stay out of Canada for 2-reasons; gun law and long wait times at the area we are crossing over.
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Taking a motorcycle trip this summer with a group of friends. Been talking about a route that would put us in Canada for part of a day. If I field striped my handgun and spread the parts in different saddle bags would this get me by if I am searched at the border? Have 2 CWP's so am good for most all the western states but heard Canada is a bitch.

Bad ...Bad ...Bad Idea. I lived in Canada for 1.5 years, they are death and taxes on handguns.....if you do what you describe above and get caught, please write and tell us how socailized medicine works out for'll be a guest of the Canadian goverment for quite a while.

The reason I started this post was to be sure I was not breaking any laws while in Canada. Of course I will not carry into Canada if it is against the law.
The reason I started this post was to be sure I was not breaking any laws while in Canada. Of course I will not carry into Canada if it is against the law.

Hey Ironhead, I understand.

When I lived there I would travel over the US several times a month, each time on my way back in, Canadian Customs would ask if I had any firearms. Of course the answer was no. Pistols are tightly regulated, I'm not sure exactly what the law is, just that it difficult at best for a Canadian to own one, and impossible for an American tourist to travel with one. Rifles and Shotguns are a different story. I knew a lot of guys and gals that hunted. One young lady that worked for me was an avid goose hunter. (She called in late one morning and had to fess up because her husband was shooting in the background....bang,bang,bang..."got'em eh!). You might be able to take a rifle or shotgun, but they would seal it upon entry to Canada and check the seal upon exit. Not to mention the time at customs.

Good luck,

Yea, bad idea to carry a firearm into Canada… or, maybe a better way to say that is… bad idea to go to Canada!

My uncle did a several-weeks-long trip around the US a few years back. He decided while near the border, he would take a quick trip across just so he could say he’d been to Canada! But, that short trip across the border led to his pistol being confiscated. Further, he was ordered to appear before a local magistrate on a date several months following!

He explained that he was not local and that a trip back to have his day in court would be financially impossible. They told him he was required by law to appear before the magistrate and that refusal to appear would make him a fugitive from justice—and that this would only make matters worse. He was distraught to say the least! But, as he made his way out one of the Canadian officials who’d been observing the whole matter walked up and out with him and told him, “don’t come back!”

My uncle, trying to clarify this statement asked, “do you mean I am not required to appear before the local magistrate?”

The guy said, “no, you are required, and what you were told is accurate. BUT, you are an American citizen, no one from Canada will be traveling down to Texas to locate and bring you back to stand before a local magistrate! Just don’t come back... ever!”

So, he never did go back… never has heard anything else regarding that matter… and never will go back! All in all, it was not a very fun experience! He ended up losing his pistol and four hours of his vacation dealing with the Canadian officials at the border! :(

I was there a few weeks ago and took my pickup over on the ferry from Port Angeles, Washington to Victoria. I was surprised when the Canadian agent asked if I ever had a firearm in my vehicle. I have a gun safe in the truck and purposely left my gun at home and the door to the safe open. I was able to reply that it had been quite a while since I had anything in the truck. The agent didn't inspect my vehicle but I thought that he was going to do that.

I guess just because I had a pickup he thought I normally had a gun with me. I don't like going anywhere without my protection so Canada won't be a regular trip for me....and I avoid California any chance I get. I will spend my dollars where I have my rights.
I had a can of mace taken a couple of years ago. If I ever travel there again, I'll leave my handgun with the border town sheriff and pick it back up when I cross back into the US.
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Several years ago, I was stationed in Alaska. We took the ferry from Seattle to Haines, AK. Traveling from Haines, we went into the Yukon Territory. At the frontier, I had to show all of my weapons to the border guard. At the time, I had a pistol and several rifles and shotguns. The guard sealed the pistol in a bag and told me not to unseal it until I reached Alaska. No problem with the other weapons. My CB radio license was of more concern than my weapons. Go figure.
Yea, I don't know what is up with Canada and their gun laws, but they sure do suck.:angry:
Well I'm glad I read your comments planning on going back to Canada next year I was able to leave gun in motel room 2 years ago in buffalo ,NY.
Is there any place you can store your handgun on the US side of the Canadian border, and pick it back up when you return to the US?