Canada Bus Beheading Suspect: 'Kill Me'


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Li was scheduled to appear Tuesday to determine whether he should undergo psychiatric testing,

You think?

A church pastor, Tom Castor, who helped hire Li soon after he immigrated in 2004 with his wife, Anna, said the man never showed any sign of anger or emotional problems when he worked there as a custodian.

As I have said before how often do we here something like this said after someone has gone nuts and killed someone. You never know who, what ,where, or when it will happen.

Testing who needs any stinking testing.What are they going to do give him a degree in anatomy first. Give him his wish.
I'd like to know what psychiatric testing is going to accomplish. Unless it's going to bring his victim back to life, I say that they should just grant his request. What sense does it make to spend taxpayer money on a psychiatric evaluation, as well as food, clothing, and housing for this animal?
They're trying to see if he's competent to stand trial. He'll probably just hang himself at some point.

I'd be interested to read the writeup on this guy, though.
They're trying to see if he's competent to stand trial. He'll probably just hang himself at some point.

I'd be interested to read the writeup on this guy, though.

Well, this brings up another interesting conundrum. If he is found unfit to stand trial, does that mean he can't be put to death? Does Canada even have the death penalty?

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